DATRE: Good afternoon, John.

JOHN: Good afternoon.

DATRE: We have been discussing a very interesting subject during your coffee break and decided that this would be much better if everyone else was in on our conversation, if they wanted to be.

JOHN: Yup.

DATRE: This is probably the way we will be doing things, except when we get into books, but for these things that are important right now, as conversations arise at either the dinner table or at coffee breaks or whatever, we’ll discuss them and see how we want to go with them. If it is just pertaining to something like what you have watched on television that we are interested in or if it is something that we need to discuss in greater detail –

JOHN: To help us understand.

DATRE: Yes. And it will be interesting to other people, too, perhaps.

Now, what we were discussing was the Nobel Prize that was given to your former Vice President of the United States for this business of global warming, which is a very, very important subject right now. They are finally getting people’s attention.

Now, first of all, we want to give you two different things to consider and why it is important.

JOHN: We also want to outline that there are two scenarios.

DATRE: There are two scenarios. One has nothing to do with human kind. It has to do with the planetary system own natural conditions. The other one has to do with conditions that man produces as a humanity on your planet.
In no way, we are not going to be giving disparaging remarks to humans because humanity needs to have their own experiences, make their own discoveries and make their own decisions. That is what ‘free will’ is all about, except, in this case we want to explain is what is happening and how to help change its course. That is their decision and it is not our decision. All we are going to do is tell you what we see and perceive what is happening and has been happening for a long period of that which you call time. And we are going to have to put some ‘time’ on these things because everyone with the brain, thinks linearly. We don’t so that is why we skip around so much because linear thinking is something we have to concentrate on trying to remember to put things in a chronological order.

What we are going to start out with, which is probably the biggest thing that is happening on your planet is that word that is so very, very important now and is talked about consistently is – petroleum.

We also want into the discussion of what else is going on regarding global warming and why there are two different scenarios that are working together.

You know that everything is being acted out in every way possible but we are taking two because each one being acted out separately to the extent of its acting out. And these will be acted out in both directions – but they are two different scenarios.

Alright – first of all, man has realized to some extent, greater than has ever been before, that something must be done with that which you call pollution of the planet.

You recently read about the – those portions of the ocean that are like great big garbage dumps. They are in a –

JOHN: They are a result of the patterning of the ocean currents. Everything accumulates in a certain way in a certain location.

DATRE: Alright, and you have already worked on those locations so we don’t both with that that is of no interest –

JOHN: They know where the locations are.

DATRE: They know where they are.

JOHN: Exactly. They know where they are but I haven’t played with that part, on the grid part of that yet.

DATRE: Now, what we are going to tell you is that in these dumps where all of this garbage is accumulating –

JONN: Mainly plastics.

DATRE: Is far beyond any of your imaginings. You cannot imagine how much is there. And the thing is, all of these plastics are the result of that one product you call petroleum.

JOHN: Which was never intended to be used by man.

DATRE: That is correct. Now, what happened is this New Millennium is going to give you and all of those of you who are on this planet, an opportunity to look at this planet in an entirely different way.

Now, Number two: The New Millennium timing and all of that, we do not get into because the time was right to make a change in the course of human thinking.

The planet has reached where it needs help because of the pollution of mankind. So, the easiest way to take care of that because there is no time but for humanity to make it easier to understand the situation, we put in a New Millennium. The brain understands that.

Now, they have many different connotations and that’s fine but the one we are going to talk about is
the one with planet earth.


Why do we have petroleum in the first place? We have petroleum, in the first place, because that is something that the planet itself decided upon because of the planet being like the rind of an orange. Instead of having orange in the center, it is hollow.

That means that the outward crust is very brittle. Man does not realize how brittle the crust is. But you’ve all heard of the tectonic plates and the tectonic plates move and they scrape and over-ride each other and without petroleum you do not the natural cushioning but it is also so that the planet can move. You see, you are not standing still. You keep talking about how fast you are going around but that is not the only thing, you are also in the process of moving because in every orbit, you are still moving. So you are moving in many different directions at the same time.

A planet is never a round ball, sometimes it looks like its squashed, more like a football – the one you never see a picture of is it is oblong. In other words, the north pole and the south pole are bigger around than the equator. Well, you’ve never pictured that one. That was before pictures became what they are today.

What you have now is more or less like the football with the long end at the equator.

So you see, you have all these things. There have been times when it has been perfectly round but you find something and its new and exciting, so you stick to it and then you forget about it and all these other things are happening in between. And that’s what’s happening to your planetary existence.

You look at what is now because that is the way you are set up as a physical beings, is that you have locked yourselves into that which you call physicality so tight that you are even unable to see the unseen world – which is a natural thing with humanity and has been but slowly, deliberately you have locked yourselves in to that which you call –

JOHN: Organically oriented.

DATRE: Yes, and seeing with your eyes only.

JOHN: Yes and that is organically oriented.

DATRE: Yes, you have a table you say is solid and you can bump into it because that is what your eyes have been trained to see, the brain has been trained to see. But the natural man that was living many thousands of years ago saw two worlds. They saw the same world seen with the eyes and unseen world that is seen your senses. It is seen with your other eyes, it is heard with your other ears, it impacts your body so that you feel the sensation of different things which ordinary man will not accept.
Science will not accept. And this is what you call clairvoyant individuals.

You either bring that in with you after what you call this death stage which you wanted that stage to recuperate because you didn’t want this particular life time to continue. You put in death.

JOHN: You threw away the organic body for an inorganic body.

DATRE: That’s right. But its still is organic to the point that all you did was take off the outer shell.

JOHN: Taking off your overcoat.

DATRE: Yah, your overcoat or whatever. So what happens, when you get to that stage, you are not seeing what is happening because you are only seeing with your eyes. So we are going to be deal from that point only – at the present time because that is what you use as your vehicle of expression.
Now, getting back to petroleum. What has happened to petroleum? They found petroleum because they were killing the whales and using the blubber for oil.
And so everything was based on the oil lamps and everything like that but where was it coming come. It came from that which you call your whales.

JOHN: Kill one thing to help make you happy. That was humanities mantra.

DATRE: Well, what happened, quite by accident or whatever you want to call it

JOHN: Thru unknown guidance.

DATRE: Ha, ha, thru unknown guidance, you discovered what you call oil and that was the one thing that caused you the problems you have today. Because you found that with petroleum you could do many things other than light a lamp to provide light for you.

It is now used in automobiles but the biggest thing that you have going for you is the fact that you are using petroleum to make other products, specifically your plastics of all different kinds.

You also use it in that which you call your clothing. You don’t realize that but you do. There are types of clothing that there is a petroleum derivative that is used in clothing. There are petroleum derivatives that are used in many, many different things.

So what happens is, you are taking the petroleum which is a vital product for your whole humanity, as far as your concerned –

JOHN: Which is a vital product for the planet that we don’t recognize.

DATRE: That is exactly right, not only that, what is your first thing that you should remember in taking on a human construct is – cause no harm to anything or anyone else.

And you’ll say – well, they are only fish. Really? Only fish have as much right on this planet as you do.

JOHN: Maybe more because they don’t mess with it.

DATRE: Not only that, they don’t do any harm.

JOHN: That’s what I mean by messing with it.


JOHN: We try to make it ours. We are going to be dominate.

DATRE: That isn’t the point. You are causing harm to a creature that is not harming you in any way, shape or form.

You’re harming humanity in a way that you don’t understand by taking this petroleum out of your planetary system. That has to be replaced. Why do you suppose you have oil spills? These great big oil tankers or whatever that go aground and the oil spills into the ocean.

JOHN: And then we also have situations where oil wells “run dry” and they pump water into them so they can get more oil out. That water is a substitute now for the oil so far as the planet is concerned.

DATRE: Mm, hmm, and that helps the planet but then what are you doing with your water? You see, you start on a trail and you can follow it from many, many different directions but the one thing that they are hollering about now is the fact, that your planet is running out of water.

Well, is it running out of water? You’re having floods in different areas. There were just a whole group of people that were killed in China because of their floods. What they have done is that they have re-routed the water because of their dams.

Every country, it seems like, have put up dams here, there and the next place. You’ve put up dams all over the United States. And what have you done?

Everybody hollers about the state that you have in the Gulf of Mexico – what was it – Louisiana. What did they do there? They re-routed a river. And then you see what has happened is, and when the water comes down, it takes out your whole bayou system or whatever you call it.

JOHN: You throw away the silt that the river used to bring in.

DATRE: That’s right and that’s nourishment but you see, you don’t leave things alone. Every time you come up with, well maybe we can get another ship to go down this way or a bigger ship or something and maybe we can make more money if we cut off this curve and add another curve or whatever they do – I don’t know.

But what you do is you’re destroying the very planet that you are living on.
JOHN: And there are no options after we destroy this one.

DATRE: After you destroy this one, you don’t have another option. And that is why it is critical that you begin to realize what you are doing.

It isn’t only the cars that are going down the highway that are spewing out gas and these great big smoke stacks are spewing out gas and everything and the greatest countries in the world are the ones that won’t acknowledge the fact that of what they are doing and they won’t put any restrictions on anything, so you are having a dichotomy.

You have those who are particular, those that are older that understand more about the planet and its system that are taking newspapers and plastic and everything they can think of and putting them into containers so that these trucks can take it off and put it in a place to reuse it. The biggest thing that you have going right, by all different companies that are recycling. They are recycling bridges, cement, plastic, wood, etc. This is great, this is marvelous because of making brand new, you are trying to save what you can and not just dump it someplace.

It is the people that are aware that have that deep down knowing that you are destroying your own planet that you live on. And you cannot blame anyone else because you are the polluters. You are the ones that are doing it. It is your expression. And I’m not saying anything about anyone, I’m just pointing out what is happening.

JOHN: There’s an old saying that – humans are the only animals that will defecate their own nest.
DATRE: If that is what they said then that’s fine. But it is true because the more buildings you put up the less you have for grass and trees and flowers.

JOHN: Which are the natural inhabitants of the planet.

DATRE: Which are the very ones that are taking care of you. Were you to talk to a tree or a plant or an orange on a tree or an apple on a tree or a tree that was giving its life substance in the way of a syrup any of them, if everyone on this planet were, in the blink of an eye, become clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient you would have such a different planet that you wouldn’t recognize it. Then you would be able to ‘see’ what is happening. What I’m saying is, you are unaware because all you are seeing is with your eyes and this is where much confusion comes in. Because with seeing with your eyes only, you have a different perception.

JOHN: We prefer ignorance in that regard.

DATRE: Well, this is true but if you are brought up
to see only with your eyes – I’m going to divert a little bit –

How many children have playmates –

JOHN: Invisible friends.

DATRE: Invisible friends that are not invisible to them. They can see fairies, they can see divas, they can get excited with playing with their friends. They don’t realize that the fairy does not have eyes to see, they don’t register that. The fairies don’t have any ears, they don’t have fingers like you have but they don’t care because the fairies play with them. And they have communication because they are clairvoyant and they have communication with the fairies. They can hear the fairies ‘sing’, they can hear the fairies pretend to talk and then they giggle and they laugh together. Fairies love children. That’s what happens.

Oh, you don’t want to believe in those different things.

So, you draw pictures of fairies like little girls with smiling faces and great big wings because that’s how they get around. No, they don’t. That is what you have done to change the thinking –

JOHN: And religions have called them angels.

DATRE: That is correct. So you want the angels but you don’t want the fairies. You want the angels and the fairies to be guardians but not playmates. You don’t want children to have the fairies tell them what they are doing and why they are doing it.

And that has been washed away with the years because you have been trained so strongly to believe in only what you see with your eyes.

Now, the fairies, the divas, the elementals, all to those even to the sand on the beach, is all being guarded and taken care of. You aren’t taking care of anything. They are taking care of the planet for you, including your body.

JOHN: They are what we call a large scope nature.

DATRE: That’s right, that’s what you call it – Nature. That’s skims over the whole thing. Mother Nature takes care of it.

JOHN: Whoever mother is.

DATRE: Well, because you can’t conceive otherwise because mother is the care taker. I know of one saying that I will repeat – the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world. And that saying, centuries ago, was not taken lightly. That is why man took over. They did not like that.

The woman is the intuitive one, the man is the practical one.

Man has difficulty being clairvoyant; a woman pays no attention to it because she is.

So, anyway, we’ve done enough on that and tell you a little bit more about what happens in these areas in the ocean.

What is happening to seals? What’s happening to dolphins? What’s happening to the sea birds?

It is almost impossible to find a duck or a sea bird that does not have plastic in their system. As these animals and birds are dying and you are doing autopsies on them, what are they finding in their stomachs and in their intestines? They are finding plastic. That is poison and they’re eating it.

JOHN: Some of them are feeding it to their young.

DATRE: That is true because they don’t know that they aren’t supposed to.

JOHN: To them, everything is food.

DATRE: That’s true because that is what they were put on this planet to do was to eat the food that was here. So, they think it’s food because they have seen so much of it over a long period of time. Your fish, take your whales and your big fish that open up their mouths and take in vast quantities of fish. My goodness, how much are they ingesting!

JOHN: Volumes.

DATRE: That is right. So this is what is happening but man is the only one that can take care of that.

JOHN: Because man is the only polluter on the planet.

DATRE: That is true. The animals aren’t polluting in any way, shape or form. In fact the animals don’t even have graves. You never stopped to think of that, did you? You put your pets in graves of one sort or another, think about that. Animals don’t have graves. You have an animal that dies in the wild and other animals eat it, so there is no waste.

Oh, you say it is so terrible to see an animal kill another one. It is not so terrible because animals communicate other than you do. They will go after an animal and if the animal says no, I’m not ready to die yet –

JOHN: I’m not ready to leave this body.

DATRE: That is right because they don’t have death.
But the thing is that if they are caught they are already out of their body. They can see what is coming. They are not about to be –

JOHN: They aren’t about to experience that.

DATRE: No, why should they. They don’t need that. And if the other animals grab and hold them so they can’t get away, they leave.

JOHN: They leave. They leave the body behind.

DATRE: They leave the body behind because a body is not important to them. Their body is an experience.

JOHN: One form of expression.

DATRE: And so what do they do? Without their body, they join a group of other animals of like kind. In doing that, they are able to join this other group to gain more experience because every experience that they have had adds to the whole.

JOHN: We talked about this when we talked about catness.

DATRE: That’s right but there are others that have not read that material so that is why I am repeating that again.

So what I am saying is there is a lot that needs to be done by humanity but that is up to them to decide how soon they are going to do anything about it and how much trauma they are going to experience in the meantime. Because as you continue to kill, not only those animals, birds, fish, etc. on the planet, you are killing each other, at a tremendous rate. And that need not be because that is something that you are not paying any attention to.

JOHN: We aren’t as smart as animals.

DATRE: Well, the thing is, animals have an entirely different outlook on that which you call ‘life’. Life to them is their very beingness. It has nothing to do with the clothes they put on to be a cat or whatever it happens to be. They understand that. You don’t.

You don’t understand that when you take on physicality you put on an overcoat, you take off an overcoat, you put on an overcoat over and over again, as a personality. And now we aren’t going to get into that but that is what you have lost and with the energy changing on your planet, there are more peoples that are beginning to realize what is actually happening – for what is going on for not only that little time in which you call your lifetime but thousands and thousands and thousands of years, more than you have any idea of how far it has gone.

Now, let’s get into this other part of what is happening on your planet.

Your oceans are disappearing because your great big ice sheets are – what do you call it –

JOHN: Your polar ice is melting.

DATRE: Thank you. And great big sheets of ice are coming down and dissolving into the water. And they are saying, if this continues at the rate that it is going now, you will lose part of the coast lines on both sides of the United States and on all countries. And the water will rise so many feet and all - and it isn’t going to work that way.

It might decrease to a certain extent but what is happening to the water? It is going back into that which you call the atmosphere.

JOHN: That is what is often referred to in the bible as the firmament.

DATRE: That’s right, whatever, but that is where the water was a long time ago.

JOHN: The origin point.

DATRE: The origin point of water was in the atmosphere.

JOHN: As a protective bubble surrounding the planet.

DATRE: That was your boundary. You had to have that in order to separate your planet from that which you call undifferentiated energy.

JOHN: Also, as I understand it – that was because that was a concern that they were not sure that very fragile humanity being able to tolerate the sun directly.

DATRE: That is true.

JOHN: It was protective, from that vantage point.

DATRE; It was protective and not only that, it maintained constant temperature. And you had light consistently – you didn’t need oil lamps and all of this others because you had a constant light but not only that –

JOHN: It reflected the light on that protective bubble.

DATRE: That’s right and you still have that but what happened is that man begin to develop all kinds of technologies and the more they developed that, they didn’t know what they were doing.

JOHN: So, early man blew a hole in this protective bubble, without knowing it. And that was the first introduction of cold on this planet. It had never experienced such a thing.

DATRE: No, how could it.

JOHN: There was no possibility of it.

DATRE: That is what we have said many times, is, how come, when you get beyond the bubble, it is cold. And in order for you to make these trips outside the bubble, even as of today, there is technology that is taking care of you and not you taking care of yourselves.

You see are alone but you aren’t alone because there are those who are on other planets that are trying to preserve your type of humanity, not their type but your type of humanity and the first time you did that you had problems. You had continuing problems until someone came to your aid to take care of you so that you could get out and get back in again.

JOHN: That was a different protective shield. They were not able to launch rockets thru it. They would destroy the rockets and then science was given the correct information of how to do that.

DATRE: When they found out you were not going to be destructive, you were just going to be experimenting.

JOHN: Just exploring and so forth.
DATRE: Yes, and that was decided upon. The people at NASA know a lot more than they will ever tell you.

JOHN: That’s correct.

DATRE: Because they have to. They have to know otherwise they cannot function as people who put other people out into space. So, there is a great deal more even with the seeing eyes that you do not know anything about.

(Continued on part two)


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