Datre answers Edward(datre165) JOHN; Today we have some questions and comments from Edward and his first comment is..."I've been following Datre for several years now and the information provided is worthwhile. However, today's publication contains several factual errors that must be cleared up." DATRE; We have never claimed that the information we provide is 'factual' - because it is not. Nor is any other information 'factual' or 'truth'. There is no such thing. Your 'truth' is your 'truth'. Your 'facts' are your 'facts'. The 'fact' becomes a 'fact' because of gathering information and having other people agree. And the more people that you can get to agree that this is right, you then label it a 'fact'. That is 'fact' only as far as your 'intellectual' brain is concerned. This is what we are trying to get you to understand, the 'intellectual' brain is not the only