Datre answers Rob (Datre186) JOHN; Today we have a question from Rob concerning the hijacked planes crashing into buildings in the United States and his questions is; "I'd be interested to hear Datre's take on the (still continuing) troubles over there in the US - what's mass consciousness trying to say?" DATRE; What is happening now, as we have said before, you have a New Millennium and you are going to experience changes. Now, I don't know how you think changes come about, but if you are going to go into a new Millennium at the speed that you do everything else at the present time, you're going to do things as quickly as possible. Now, all of this - remember - is a play that is being acted out. You will notice, first of all, that the planes that were hijacked going to different locations across the United States were not full with passengers. They had half or less than the number that is usually on those huge airplanes. The planes chosen were the ones wi