By John S.
With all of the information provided by Datre concerning how all of this came about, I have decided to explore some of the results in a manner that they haven’t been explored previously.
From Datre we get the information that a group of Thoughters or Core Selves (Datre uses both terms) were curious to explore just what would result if their thoughts were left alone.
So they selected an empty part of what might be called space between some other universes and then projected their thoughts into that void to see just what might happen.
As these thoughts swirled they began to coagulate into an arrangement that Datre has called an ANU. Then these ANU (which are nothing but intelligence) began to arrange themselves into two other classes of organization. These might be called ‘organic’ and ‘inorganic’ or the seen and the unseen.
Then as this interplay continued a whole new universe eventually resulted. Now we have an intelligent universe that has created itself.
So, the question; “Is there a God in heaven?” results in a resounding NO!
Also, as Datre has stated, they discovered that certain of these clumps of ANU’s would be attracted to each other while others would be repelled.
This activity resulted in attempts to get these ANU to form different kinds of containments, some of
which they could perhaps animate.
DATRE: Alright, John, you have been doing some writing for us and it sounds like it is pretty good information, so you thought we could use this -
JOHN: As a basis.
DATRE: As a basis. Alright. So, I don’t have to re-do all this stuff, we’ll just change a few words until we get to this point, o.k.?
JOHN Sure.
DATRE: I think we’d better turn off the radio because Aona will have some trouble transcribing this. It is amazing when you listen to that classical music it doesn’t sound like it would interfere but you hit certain notes that are of the same vibrational quality as the voice and then you can’t find the words.
JOHN: Mm – hmm
DATRE: Now you refer to the seen and the unseen and you had the word – reality – after seen and unseen and I took out the word reality because we both agreed that that was not the proper word. Because reality indicates something that is fixed.
JOHN: Worlds – worlds doesn’t do the same thing, though. It could be a mixture of anything, seen and unseen.
DATRE: And so have all the rest of your partical reality worlds.
JOHN: Yah, because they are a blend.
DATRE: Yes, so every world, as you would call it, or planetary existence –
JOHN: Not necessarily planetary because there are environmental constructs that we would never identify as a planet.
DATRE: Alright.
JOHN: For example, the sun is not a planet.
DATRE: Alright.
JOHN: But yet it is well populated.
DATRE: Yes, but it is because everybody is afraid to go there.
JOHN: That is not my problem, it is their problem.
DATRE: Yes, I understand that. Yes, that is very good, that is very good.
Alright. ‘Then as this interplay continues, a whole new universe eventually resulted. We now have an intelligent universe that has created itself.’ Yes.
JOHN: It just got together and it kept organizing itself into the point that it finally was a universe.
DATRE: And what they did at that point is, in order to contain it, they -
JOHN: It was a separate operation.
DATRE: A separate, not only an operation but it was a different means of expression, too.
JOHN: Sure.
DATRE: Yes. Alright, so the question is, is there a God in heaven. This results in a resounding, no. I think this sentence should go someplace else. I think we should continue with the Anu and the development of the universe into, what we call, planetary existences.
JOHN: Fine, fine.
JOHN: It is an intelligent activity but its not a personalized intelligence.
DATRE: But you see, we are talking about the intelligent universe and so the only people that believe in a God, are those on this particular planet.
We have to make it very clear that this is the only one because - the reason for that being – it is very difficult for someone that says that – We have first hand information – it is very difficult for someone like Aona, coming from someplace where that isn’t even a thought pattern.
JOHN: That isn’t even imaginative.
DATRE: No, so it took her a long time to figure out what this god business was all about.
JOHN: I have a same problem.
DATRE: Well, except you have a good background.
JOHN: I’ve been here longer.
DATRE: As a child you had church training.
JOHN: I had that body.
DATRE: The body has but the indwelling entity of the body has not, for either of you.
DATRE: To return to the writings – ‘Also, as Datre has states, they discovered that certain of these clumps of Anu would be attracted to each other while others would be repelled.’
‘This activity resulted in attempts to get these Anu to form different kinds of configurations, some of which they could perhaps animate.’
JOHN: Nobody knew anything about these – these were all brand new things. This was the first time the Core Selves could see their thoughts.
DATRE: I could change that a little bit – that activity resulted in – these clumps could be activated by continued thoughts.
JOHN: I don’t quite understand that. The one thing that we never talked about this part of the trial – how it was tried out – how it was worked out.
DATRE: We need to put in here – if I look at it from my stand point – everything at the point of making Anu – Anu was through out the universe –
JOHN: Anything and everything was Anu.
DATRE: Anything and everything was composed of Anu.
JOHN: Like today, science thinks everything is composed of atoms.
DATRE: What we need to do – from my stand point – is that the creation of the unseen world had to come into being prior to the humans.
JOHN: Yes, everything is worked out in the unseen.
DATRE: Yes, that is true and then it –
JOHN: And then it is tried to be shifted into the seen.
But those beginnings there was not any seen and unseen – it was all the same. We are using today’s terminology to describe a point where those terminologies made no sense.
DATRE: Yes, I realize that but you see, you would have had the Divas and the fairies prior to the human stick figure.
JOHN: Why?
DATRE: Because they were the maintenance crew for the planetary existence.
JOHN: Yah, but there was not a whole lot here.
DATRE: But you still had everything and that was their first job.
JOHN: Don’t forget the stick figures include plants, bugs, trees, everything so it is a barren planet. We have to go back and said where we built the planet. We haven’t done that yet.
DATRE: Well, you see. We’ve got to have it in some sort of a flow.
JOHN: I fully agree.
DATRE: I think –
JOHN: There are planets now in the inorganic regions that we can’t see because that is the unseen. And eventually some of those will become the organic planets.
DATRE: Let’s see if we agree on this point, John. I think what we need to do is, when we go from the Anu, what we need to do first is build this planet.
JOHN: Yes, I agree. We have nothing to put anything on.
DATRE: Yes, and then you put the substance of the planet. the fundamentals, then you play around with the –
JOHN: You play around with the globs and end up with animation.
DATRE: And then from the animation, which turn out to be the Fairies and the Divas and the Elementals and the Gnomes, etc. – because their primary -
JOHN: They are also a result of the Anu, right?
JOHN: Alright. O.K., fine.
DATRE: They are the ‘unseen’ . They are inorganic which is also Anu –
JOHN: But they would only be in the picture when the planet was created in the inorganic.
DATRE: That is right.
JOHN: Then when the planet was changed to the organic, they maintained their situation.
DATRE: That’s right.
JOHN: We didn’t need them. How did you build them, the Devas and such?
DATRE: You started out with them because it is all built with Thoughters.
JOHN: Not with the Anu. They had to start out with something along the line of stick figures.
DATRE: Yes, they did.
JOHN: O.K. we hadn’t talked about something like that.
DATRE: No, but you see it is hard to getting into this. Alright, you’re a detail man, you understand where I’m going with all of this?
JOHN: Yes.
DATRE: Alright. Then you have the inorganic, if you want to call them, or the –
JOHN: The inorganic is a good term because science can accept that.
DATRE: But I think that its very important, now that we are getting into the nitis – gritis, then we should really scrape the bottom of the barrel and start – and then the making of the stick figures –
JOHN: Comes as a later factor.
DATRE: Yes. Because the thing is – we can take the inorganic little stick figures of the fairies and the Devas and the elementals, which are small and easy to work with and they found that those would be something interesting, to find out –
JOHN: If they could get into one of those.
DATRE: Get into one of those with their thoughts and animate it.
JOHN: Well, who is animating the Devas?
DATRE: The thoughters. The thoughters, they were animating them with their thoughts but they thought – thoughts are different than thinks – so the thoughters would animate these little things but they thought, you know, I could take a small piece of me and put it in there and then they found out that they, - a couple of them thought – hey – this sounds like fun.
So some of them got into the little globs and some of them started to push out the globs in different areas with their thoughts and some of them went toward one another and they bumped into them and other went toward another one and they backed off because they were repelled each other. They got more and more excited and wanted to find out more and more and they found out that they were playing with each other. That was the beginning of the fairies and Devas and the elementals. They were all one thing as they started out but through interaction with themselves and other elements, they separated themselves into different groupings.
As they perceived all this happening, they thought this would be fun but the thing is that as the vegetation upon the planet began to stabilize –
JOHN: Where did that come from?
DATRE: Well, let’s see if I can find that? Oh, how simple – because if they didn’t stabilize,
JOHN: What didn’t stabilize?
DATRE: The vegetation upon the planet did not stabilize –
JOHN: Where did the vegetation come from?
DATRE: It came from the thoughters.
JOHN: The grouping of Anu resulted in vegetation.
The inanimate things.
DATRE: And all of the inanimate things but the thing is –
JOHN: Then the trees had to be changed later on, to get the ‘tree people’.
DATRE: Well, that’s way down the line.
JOHN: Initially, trees were trees.
DATRE: But what happened is that because of the instability of the Anu – see, the Anu doesn’t stand still.
JOHN: No, it is dancing forever.
DATRE: It is constantly moving. But it had to be made more stable otherwise your picture was lost. You’d make a tree or a bush or something and it would be great but then you would turn around and do something else and then you’d turn around and look for the tree and the tree was gone.
JOHN: It would disassemble itself.
DATRE: So the thoughters had to say, well, wait a minute now. We’ve got to find a way of making those things more stable. They couldn’t do away with the vibration because that was as it was so now, every time they made a tree, they stabilized it.
JOHN: That was another thought activity.
DATRE: That’s another thought activity. Because that is the only way they could have it. You see that is what we talked about, the breaking up.
JOHN: Everything is just ‘squiggly lines’ anyway.
DATRE: Yes, but that’s what we talked about with the breaking up. And we could incorporate that because nothing would stay together for any length of time if it was not stabilized into a form or configuration. Once it was into a comptable form, it would stay that way.
In order to maintain that we found that the little stick figures that they had made were still inorganic but they were stabilized to the point that they could be played with. And after playing with them it was that they discovered that it would be fun if, some way or another, they could put a small piece of ourselves into these little things and start working these little stick figures from the inside instead of the outside and that’s where they found out that they could really do something with them ‘cause they were having fun.
Now you see, these Thoughters, they didn’t know anything about time. So they could play with that forever but like everything else, their thoughts keep progressing at a rate so fast that once they found out that they could actually actually perceive their thoughts –
JOHN: One something led to another something.
DATRE: It is like an inventor – these became creators. You keep going and once you start with a concept that needs to be unraveled – that’s the way the Thoughters work. They find something and away they go with it. But up to this point there had never been anything like this that they could really work with. So, here they had these interesting little things that didn’t really have an awful lot of shape to them but they found that in order to make them animated, they needed to do something with them. Just a glob didn’t work.
So, in doing a glob – there are some planetary existences that have globs, that have all kinds of eyes and other stuff but those were all beginning experiments.
JOHN: A number of them developed as the intelligent species of some of them.
DATRE: That’s right. And each group of Thoughters that got into these different shapes worked and played with the shapes that were there. And some different planets don’t have anything on them. They have just strange looking little creatures but they are satisfied with that. And then somebody says, well, some will say, we could take that but I don’t care for that and so – I’ll do my own and someone else will say, well, I’ll do my own, too. And this is why you have as many different planetary existences as you have.
JOHN: That’s why I was talking about the accidental universe because there was never any thought of creating a universe. It just happened.
DATRE: It happened and the Thoughters are the ones that really did the whole thing. The only thing they did was take the Anu, which was said before, they are just little globs of intelligent thought. That’s all they are. But, they had never been able to do that.
JOHN: Yup.
DATRE: And when they found – wait a minute – can perceive what I am doing. Anyway, from the little beings, they found out that they enjoyed the interaction with that which you called –
JOHN: Just little like little babies playing with little puppies.
DATRE: Well you see, all you had on the planet was what they were beginning to have as trees and different kinds of shrubs and different kinds of vegetation and so forth There was somebody started a little patch of what you would call grass and they thought that was interesting. Then they’d make short pieces of grass and great big tall pieces of grass and so everything just went from that point.
There was constant creation.
JOHN: Because it was fun.
DATRE: And the thing is, the little ones, the fairies and the Devas and elementals and Gnomes and all the rest of them, they found that they could interact with the vegetation. And if the would see a little piece of vegetation that was kind of falling apart, they’d go up to it and they’d pat it and put it back together again.
So, they became, really, the keepers of that which you call your planetary environment.
Now, if they were going to be like that, then maybe we should take some of those and see if we can stabilize them because they are, they have a tendency to be more whispy so they would fall apart easily.
JOHN: Sure, like a puff of smoke.
DATRE: That’s right and you’d see them one minute and the next minute they’d be gone. And so, rather than lose everything that they had created, they used the same thought technique to stabilize the little ones but they didn’t want to stabilize them to the point –
JOHN: That they became organic.
DATRE: Some of them did become organic.
DATRE: But they found that the organic ones were more fun if the Thoughters took a small piece of themselves and got into them because that was a whole different situation. They could ‘stay’ in them where they couldn’t stay in the other ones .
JOHN: In the organic they could develop all kinds of other activities.
DATRE: They pushed out one way and those later became arms and they pushed out another way and they later became legs and for balance they made a glob that eventually became a head. The energies of the organic were totally different once they began to create those, then you had a whole different situation.
Now you could have the little ones interact with the trees but they really didn’t care about that. They wanted to interact with each other. The fairies and the Devas and all of that whole family of what you call the Unseen World, enjoyed the interaction with the planetary activity. So they –
JOHN: But they didn’t want to be part of it.
DATRE: No, but they also didn’t care to be part of the other either because they saw that there was too much to be learned. They enjoyed their independence or a body that they could create and let fall apart and create and fall apart and it didn’t bother them any. They learned by experience but they didn’t want to be stuck in a fixed, organized body. So there was a division there and that was fine because that which you call organic, which is nothing more than the inorganic – stabilized.
JOHN: O.K. Different density, too. Stabilization is the result of different density change.
DATRE: Yes, but stabilization also allowed them, instead of having just a glob, to be able to see if they could take the inorganic and make it some way so that it was something that looked like something.
JOHN: It had an organization to it.
DATRE: So what they did was, the difference with the fairies and the Devas and the elementals, etc. at the present time is nothing more than the experiential patterning of that whole species. It has nothing to do with male or female because there was no such thing but you see…
JOHN: It is just like we talk about with catness. Each one’s experience is part of the overall experience. So they gain different experiences that way.
DATRE: The development of that type of species, the animals, was developed through the Devas, fairies and all of that because was the developmental stage of learning, shall we say.
There is no sense in having anything on this planet if it doesn’t have a way expressing itself. They unravel a concept just like you do, except it depends on their experiential patterning.
Now, that is where the old expression comes from is, man evolved from animals or it evolves from something else. It does not evolve it is a new creation, a new development and it develops within its own type of beingness.
JOHN: It’s own line of experience.
DATRE: It’s own line of experience and of external arrangement of appearances. They stay within their own kind.
DATRE: So what happens is, as some of these who were fairies and Devas, they could be changed and expanded into a more stable configuration and because they also had a bit of the Thoughters beingness within them, they found that could be expanded.
You see, the only reason that it was not expanded in those that you call the Devas and the Fairies, the only reason it was not expanded any further in them. Because they were happy as they were. Well, if something is happy and is expressive in its own beingness –
JOHN: Leave it as it is.
DATRE: Yes, so let’s take that as a model and take some of those because they were too whispy. They broke up too easily and they found that there was a more cohesive quality to them, that they could be pushed into other things.
But because there was more – they developed more as what you would call an intellectual side, this rapidly became a development through experience.
And you continued that, not as far as an outward body appearance because if they were going to do anything other with the body, then there were Thoughters all over the place within this universe and they were all having their own good times.
JOHN: That’s the story, the so called story in the bible referring to Adam and Eve was the transition from the inorganic to the organic. That was the ‘casting out’ of the garden of Eden.
DATRE: Mm hm, mm, hm.
JOHN: They couldn’t figure that one out – ever.
DATRE: No, because it is not anything that they could figure out.
JOHN: They don’t understand the inorganic.
DATRE: Well, that’s right.
JOHN: They only understand what they can feel, see, smell, hear and touch.
DATRE: But you see, those that are clairvoyant are still able to see and communicate but they don’t want to get too close to those in the Unseen World, to get up to the point of touching them, because they disturb the vibratory patterning of these little ones and they will start coming apart. It is a vibratory construct. They vibrate at a different rate than the humans do.
JOHN: They are in a different octave.
DATRE: Absolutely. And the reason they are so fragile is they have maintained that which you call the basic thought pattern of structure that everything is created, in what you call, the inorganic because that is what can be manipulated.
JOHN: That is the trial and error area.
DATRE: That’s right and that’s where, in the trial and error area, that is where your Centaurs and Pan and all of that comes from. Those were experiments in creating and this half man and half animal and all of that, that is part of that. Why destroy them. It wasn’t bothering anybody. Put them there, so what, it doesn’t matter.
You interact with those you call your ‘dead’ people all the time because you have developed your eyes in such a way …
JOHN: You have a frequency spectrum that you only allow.
DATRE: The eyes only allow that and the thing is that is what keeps you where you are. It is not allowing your ability to see, other than with your eyes, to be an active part of your beingness.
Being clairvoyant and being …
JOHN: Being clairvoyant has nothing to do with the eyes.
DATRE: Nothing to do with the eyes what so ever. And that is what confusing. People try and cross their eyes or put their eyes out of focus or put your eyes this way or that way …
JOHN: That is not going to make you clairvoyant. Any good clairvoyant will tell you that when they are seeing the Unseen World, they can also open their eyes and see the comparison.
DATRE: That is exactly right but they don’t understand that you can do that.
JOHN: Annie talked about that.
DATRE: I realize that but you see, there are not that many people that are clairvoyant …
JOHN: Clairvoyants today, they think that is a cycle that has gone by.
DATRE: No, it has not gone by, it just has to be …
JOHN: There is not enough interest to develop it.
DATRE: Well, you see, man/woman has become inattentive in many areas. If it takes more than 5 seconds, they aren’t interested.
JOHN: They have such a short attention span.
DATRE: The attention span is very limited.
JOHN: The attention span is almost non-existant.
DATRE: That is very true but you see, there are those on this planet that you can call loners, you can call them thinkers, you can call them anything you want to but their attention span has nothing to do with what goes on in the work a day world. So, that is an entirely different situation.
Through, that which you call the development of the human species through eons or millenniums or whatever you want to call it …
JOHN: Eons is a better word because an eon is an indeterminate span. Eons ++++ as opposed to time.
DATRE: The development has taken many different twists and turns and it is not finished yet.
JOHN: Nope. It still continues.
DATRE: But you see, we’ll get back to the accidental universe. This is true, it was accidental because it was only those that – there are a lot of universes and these that came from that particular universe were Thoughters. No body, no nothing. Their Beingness was thought. And you’ll say, well, what about the body. Well, you don’t need a body to do thoughts.
JOHN: No, you just have a glob of intelligence.
DATRE: That’s right and the thing is, they didn’t care about remembering.
JOHN: Remember what?
JOHN: Their experience was what they called remembering.
DATRE: That’s right.
JOHN: It was automatically there.
DATRE: It was there but they never referred back to it because that is not creation. Creation doesn’t go backward.
Now, man thinks it does. They think that creating something new is using something in the past and changing it. That’s not creation.
JOHN: That’s adaptation.
DATRE: There you go. Well, I think we have done very well, John. I think we’ve covered a lot of area that we really didn’t expect to.
JOHN: No. People that read this will say, Oh, I was wondering about that.
DATRE: Well, then undoubtedly there are going to be areas that we haven’t gotten into that will be pertinent but we will try … The main thing is, what we want to do now is, more than anything, is to stretch people as far as they can go.
So, I think, the rest of it …
JOHN: This is Step 2 of Fundamentals.
DATRE: Alright, that is fine, that is fine because we will take the fundamentals and … there is only so much that can be said about them anyway without going into detail, that I cannot explain because it is …
JOHN: Inexplainable.
DATRE: That is why it is difficult for me to able to perceive something and tell you I am – ‘I am seeing it, I am perceiving something, whatever but I cannot find words for it, so we have to let it go as best as we can but everyone within their own construct is able to extend it to their own satisfaction.
JOHN: Sure.
DATRE: It is up to them.
JOHN: They have the basic ingredience. Let them build their own cake.
DATRE: That is right and let them do it the way they want to. And that is what DATRE is all about.
So, I think we will leave you for now. This has been a delightful experience and we will talk to you later.
JOHN: Thank you.
DATRE: We thank you! Goodbye. We are Datre.
DATRE: The ones that they could animate, Datre called “stick figures”. But, when they tried to put these “stick figures” into the “organic” area of this new universe it was discovered that on occasion they would fall apart.
After much fun in trying to correct this problem, they finally decided that if they were going to keep these organic “something’s” they would need to create some kind of maintenance crew to work from the inorganic side of things to help keep these organic things from falling apart. This is how the beings that Datre referred to in their book, “Your Unseen world” about the Devas, Fairies, Gnomes, etc. came into being.
Then I began to wonder just where this idea of an over all deity came from. After quite a bit of searching it finally dawned on me that this whole idea of a God in heaven was akin to the idea of killing and war.
All three it seems are the result of a “flaw” in the human Ego patterning. The Ego is that part of man that not only gathers experience but also is that part of man that says that each individual is “separate” from other individuals.
Some, likely, small flaw in this characteristic of the Ego tends to project a given individual toward wanting to dominate others. Thus you now have the human Ego wanting to be not only a unique individual, but also the biggest and best or badest individual.
So, now we have a humanity where the Ego’s in some have such a strong urge to dominate their fellow man that killing, religion and war have become their weapons of choice.
But also, in this maze of Ego’s run wild, we have a piece of the original Core Selves who first got inside of the stick figures for the experience.
Thus this great contrast “religion, war and killing” VS helpful creators only worked to reinforce religions contention of the forces of “good” and “evil”.
So, now we have in summary, there is no God in heaven. And there only God or devil that can actually exist, exist only in “man” himself.
By John S.
With all of the information provided by Datre concerning how all of this came about, I have decided to explore some of the results in a manner that they haven’t been explored previously.
From Datre we get the information that a group of Thoughters or Core Selves (Datre uses both terms) were curious to explore just what would result if their thoughts were left alone.
So they selected an empty part of what might be called space between some other universes and then projected their thoughts into that void to see just what might happen.
As these thoughts swirled they began to coagulate into an arrangement that Datre has called an ANU. Then these ANU (which are nothing but intelligence) began to arrange themselves into two other classes of organization. These might be called ‘organic’ and ‘inorganic’ or the seen and the unseen.
Then as this interplay continued a whole new universe eventually resulted. Now we have an intelligent universe that has created itself.
So, the question; “Is there a God in heaven?” results in a resounding NO!
Also, as Datre has stated, they discovered that certain of these clumps of ANU’s would be attracted to each other while others would be repelled.
This activity resulted in attempts to get these ANU to form different kinds of containments, some of
which they could perhaps animate.
DATRE: Alright, John, you have been doing some writing for us and it sounds like it is pretty good information, so you thought we could use this -
JOHN: As a basis.
DATRE: As a basis. Alright. So, I don’t have to re-do all this stuff, we’ll just change a few words until we get to this point, o.k.?
JOHN Sure.
DATRE: I think we’d better turn off the radio because Aona will have some trouble transcribing this. It is amazing when you listen to that classical music it doesn’t sound like it would interfere but you hit certain notes that are of the same vibrational quality as the voice and then you can’t find the words.
JOHN: Mm – hmm
DATRE: Now you refer to the seen and the unseen and you had the word – reality – after seen and unseen and I took out the word reality because we both agreed that that was not the proper word. Because reality indicates something that is fixed.
JOHN: Worlds – worlds doesn’t do the same thing, though. It could be a mixture of anything, seen and unseen.
DATRE: And so have all the rest of your partical reality worlds.
JOHN: Yah, because they are a blend.
DATRE: Yes, so every world, as you would call it, or planetary existence –
JOHN: Not necessarily planetary because there are environmental constructs that we would never identify as a planet.
DATRE: Alright.
JOHN: For example, the sun is not a planet.
DATRE: Alright.
JOHN: But yet it is well populated.
DATRE: Yes, but it is because everybody is afraid to go there.
JOHN: That is not my problem, it is their problem.
DATRE: Yes, I understand that. Yes, that is very good, that is very good.
Alright. ‘Then as this interplay continues, a whole new universe eventually resulted. We now have an intelligent universe that has created itself.’ Yes.
JOHN: It just got together and it kept organizing itself into the point that it finally was a universe.
DATRE: And what they did at that point is, in order to contain it, they -
JOHN: It was a separate operation.
DATRE: A separate, not only an operation but it was a different means of expression, too.
JOHN: Sure.
DATRE: Yes. Alright, so the question is, is there a God in heaven. This results in a resounding, no. I think this sentence should go someplace else. I think we should continue with the Anu and the development of the universe into, what we call, planetary existences.
JOHN: Fine, fine.
JOHN: It is an intelligent activity but its not a personalized intelligence.
DATRE: But you see, we are talking about the intelligent universe and so the only people that believe in a God, are those on this particular planet.
We have to make it very clear that this is the only one because - the reason for that being – it is very difficult for someone that says that – We have first hand information – it is very difficult for someone like Aona, coming from someplace where that isn’t even a thought pattern.
JOHN: That isn’t even imaginative.
DATRE: No, so it took her a long time to figure out what this god business was all about.
JOHN: I have a same problem.
DATRE: Well, except you have a good background.
JOHN: I’ve been here longer.
DATRE: As a child you had church training.
JOHN: I had that body.
DATRE: The body has but the indwelling entity of the body has not, for either of you.
DATRE: To return to the writings – ‘Also, as Datre has states, they discovered that certain of these clumps of Anu would be attracted to each other while others would be repelled.’
‘This activity resulted in attempts to get these Anu to form different kinds of configurations, some of which they could perhaps animate.’
JOHN: Nobody knew anything about these – these were all brand new things. This was the first time the Core Selves could see their thoughts.
DATRE: I could change that a little bit – that activity resulted in – these clumps could be activated by continued thoughts.
JOHN: I don’t quite understand that. The one thing that we never talked about this part of the trial – how it was tried out – how it was worked out.
DATRE: We need to put in here – if I look at it from my stand point – everything at the point of making Anu – Anu was through out the universe –
JOHN: Anything and everything was Anu.
DATRE: Anything and everything was composed of Anu.
JOHN: Like today, science thinks everything is composed of atoms.
DATRE: What we need to do – from my stand point – is that the creation of the unseen world had to come into being prior to the humans.
JOHN: Yes, everything is worked out in the unseen.
DATRE: Yes, that is true and then it –
JOHN: And then it is tried to be shifted into the seen.
But those beginnings there was not any seen and unseen – it was all the same. We are using today’s terminology to describe a point where those terminologies made no sense.
DATRE: Yes, I realize that but you see, you would have had the Divas and the fairies prior to the human stick figure.
JOHN: Why?
DATRE: Because they were the maintenance crew for the planetary existence.
JOHN: Yah, but there was not a whole lot here.
DATRE: But you still had everything and that was their first job.
JOHN: Don’t forget the stick figures include plants, bugs, trees, everything so it is a barren planet. We have to go back and said where we built the planet. We haven’t done that yet.
DATRE: Well, you see. We’ve got to have it in some sort of a flow.
JOHN: I fully agree.
DATRE: I think –
JOHN: There are planets now in the inorganic regions that we can’t see because that is the unseen. And eventually some of those will become the organic planets.
DATRE: Let’s see if we agree on this point, John. I think what we need to do is, when we go from the Anu, what we need to do first is build this planet.
JOHN: Yes, I agree. We have nothing to put anything on.
DATRE: Yes, and then you put the substance of the planet. the fundamentals, then you play around with the –
JOHN: You play around with the globs and end up with animation.
DATRE: And then from the animation, which turn out to be the Fairies and the Divas and the Elementals and the Gnomes, etc. – because their primary -
JOHN: They are also a result of the Anu, right?
JOHN: Alright. O.K., fine.
DATRE: They are the ‘unseen’ . They are inorganic which is also Anu –
JOHN: But they would only be in the picture when the planet was created in the inorganic.
DATRE: That is right.
JOHN: Then when the planet was changed to the organic, they maintained their situation.
DATRE: That’s right.
JOHN: We didn’t need them. How did you build them, the Devas and such?
DATRE: You started out with them because it is all built with Thoughters.
JOHN: Not with the Anu. They had to start out with something along the line of stick figures.
DATRE: Yes, they did.
JOHN: O.K. we hadn’t talked about something like that.
DATRE: No, but you see it is hard to getting into this. Alright, you’re a detail man, you understand where I’m going with all of this?
JOHN: Yes.
DATRE: Alright. Then you have the inorganic, if you want to call them, or the –
JOHN: The inorganic is a good term because science can accept that.
DATRE: But I think that its very important, now that we are getting into the nitis – gritis, then we should really scrape the bottom of the barrel and start – and then the making of the stick figures –
JOHN: Comes as a later factor.
DATRE: Yes. Because the thing is – we can take the inorganic little stick figures of the fairies and the Devas and the elementals, which are small and easy to work with and they found that those would be something interesting, to find out –
JOHN: If they could get into one of those.
DATRE: Get into one of those with their thoughts and animate it.
JOHN: Well, who is animating the Devas?
DATRE: The thoughters. The thoughters, they were animating them with their thoughts but they thought – thoughts are different than thinks – so the thoughters would animate these little things but they thought, you know, I could take a small piece of me and put it in there and then they found out that they, - a couple of them thought – hey – this sounds like fun.
So some of them got into the little globs and some of them started to push out the globs in different areas with their thoughts and some of them went toward one another and they bumped into them and other went toward another one and they backed off because they were repelled each other. They got more and more excited and wanted to find out more and more and they found out that they were playing with each other. That was the beginning of the fairies and Devas and the elementals. They were all one thing as they started out but through interaction with themselves and other elements, they separated themselves into different groupings.
As they perceived all this happening, they thought this would be fun but the thing is that as the vegetation upon the planet began to stabilize –
JOHN: Where did that come from?
DATRE: Well, let’s see if I can find that? Oh, how simple – because if they didn’t stabilize,
JOHN: What didn’t stabilize?
DATRE: The vegetation upon the planet did not stabilize –
JOHN: Where did the vegetation come from?
DATRE: It came from the thoughters.
JOHN: The grouping of Anu resulted in vegetation.
The inanimate things.
DATRE: And all of the inanimate things but the thing is –
JOHN: Then the trees had to be changed later on, to get the ‘tree people’.
DATRE: Well, that’s way down the line.
JOHN: Initially, trees were trees.
DATRE: But what happened is that because of the instability of the Anu – see, the Anu doesn’t stand still.
JOHN: No, it is dancing forever.
DATRE: It is constantly moving. But it had to be made more stable otherwise your picture was lost. You’d make a tree or a bush or something and it would be great but then you would turn around and do something else and then you’d turn around and look for the tree and the tree was gone.
JOHN: It would disassemble itself.
DATRE: So the thoughters had to say, well, wait a minute now. We’ve got to find a way of making those things more stable. They couldn’t do away with the vibration because that was as it was so now, every time they made a tree, they stabilized it.
JOHN: That was another thought activity.
DATRE: That’s another thought activity. Because that is the only way they could have it. You see that is what we talked about, the breaking up.
JOHN: Everything is just ‘squiggly lines’ anyway.
DATRE: Yes, but that’s what we talked about with the breaking up. And we could incorporate that because nothing would stay together for any length of time if it was not stabilized into a form or configuration. Once it was into a comptable form, it would stay that way.
In order to maintain that we found that the little stick figures that they had made were still inorganic but they were stabilized to the point that they could be played with. And after playing with them it was that they discovered that it would be fun if, some way or another, they could put a small piece of ourselves into these little things and start working these little stick figures from the inside instead of the outside and that’s where they found out that they could really do something with them ‘cause they were having fun.
Now you see, these Thoughters, they didn’t know anything about time. So they could play with that forever but like everything else, their thoughts keep progressing at a rate so fast that once they found out that they could actually actually perceive their thoughts –
JOHN: One something led to another something.
DATRE: It is like an inventor – these became creators. You keep going and once you start with a concept that needs to be unraveled – that’s the way the Thoughters work. They find something and away they go with it. But up to this point there had never been anything like this that they could really work with. So, here they had these interesting little things that didn’t really have an awful lot of shape to them but they found that in order to make them animated, they needed to do something with them. Just a glob didn’t work.
So, in doing a glob – there are some planetary existences that have globs, that have all kinds of eyes and other stuff but those were all beginning experiments.
JOHN: A number of them developed as the intelligent species of some of them.
DATRE: That’s right. And each group of Thoughters that got into these different shapes worked and played with the shapes that were there. And some different planets don’t have anything on them. They have just strange looking little creatures but they are satisfied with that. And then somebody says, well, some will say, we could take that but I don’t care for that and so – I’ll do my own and someone else will say, well, I’ll do my own, too. And this is why you have as many different planetary existences as you have.
JOHN: That’s why I was talking about the accidental universe because there was never any thought of creating a universe. It just happened.
DATRE: It happened and the Thoughters are the ones that really did the whole thing. The only thing they did was take the Anu, which was said before, they are just little globs of intelligent thought. That’s all they are. But, they had never been able to do that.
JOHN: Yup.
DATRE: And when they found – wait a minute – can perceive what I am doing. Anyway, from the little beings, they found out that they enjoyed the interaction with that which you called –
JOHN: Just little like little babies playing with little puppies.
DATRE: Well you see, all you had on the planet was what they were beginning to have as trees and different kinds of shrubs and different kinds of vegetation and so forth There was somebody started a little patch of what you would call grass and they thought that was interesting. Then they’d make short pieces of grass and great big tall pieces of grass and so everything just went from that point.
There was constant creation.
JOHN: Because it was fun.
DATRE: And the thing is, the little ones, the fairies and the Devas and elementals and Gnomes and all the rest of them, they found that they could interact with the vegetation. And if the would see a little piece of vegetation that was kind of falling apart, they’d go up to it and they’d pat it and put it back together again.
So, they became, really, the keepers of that which you call your planetary environment.
Now, if they were going to be like that, then maybe we should take some of those and see if we can stabilize them because they are, they have a tendency to be more whispy so they would fall apart easily.
JOHN: Sure, like a puff of smoke.
DATRE: That’s right and you’d see them one minute and the next minute they’d be gone. And so, rather than lose everything that they had created, they used the same thought technique to stabilize the little ones but they didn’t want to stabilize them to the point –
JOHN: That they became organic.
DATRE: Some of them did become organic.
DATRE: But they found that the organic ones were more fun if the Thoughters took a small piece of themselves and got into them because that was a whole different situation. They could ‘stay’ in them where they couldn’t stay in the other ones .
JOHN: In the organic they could develop all kinds of other activities.
DATRE: They pushed out one way and those later became arms and they pushed out another way and they later became legs and for balance they made a glob that eventually became a head. The energies of the organic were totally different once they began to create those, then you had a whole different situation.
Now you could have the little ones interact with the trees but they really didn’t care about that. They wanted to interact with each other. The fairies and the Devas and all of that whole family of what you call the Unseen World, enjoyed the interaction with the planetary activity. So they –
JOHN: But they didn’t want to be part of it.
DATRE: No, but they also didn’t care to be part of the other either because they saw that there was too much to be learned. They enjoyed their independence or a body that they could create and let fall apart and create and fall apart and it didn’t bother them any. They learned by experience but they didn’t want to be stuck in a fixed, organized body. So there was a division there and that was fine because that which you call organic, which is nothing more than the inorganic – stabilized.
JOHN: O.K. Different density, too. Stabilization is the result of different density change.
DATRE: Yes, but stabilization also allowed them, instead of having just a glob, to be able to see if they could take the inorganic and make it some way so that it was something that looked like something.
JOHN: It had an organization to it.
DATRE: So what they did was, the difference with the fairies and the Devas and the elementals, etc. at the present time is nothing more than the experiential patterning of that whole species. It has nothing to do with male or female because there was no such thing but you see…
JOHN: It is just like we talk about with catness. Each one’s experience is part of the overall experience. So they gain different experiences that way.
DATRE: The development of that type of species, the animals, was developed through the Devas, fairies and all of that because was the developmental stage of learning, shall we say.
There is no sense in having anything on this planet if it doesn’t have a way expressing itself. They unravel a concept just like you do, except it depends on their experiential patterning.
Now, that is where the old expression comes from is, man evolved from animals or it evolves from something else. It does not evolve it is a new creation, a new development and it develops within its own type of beingness.
JOHN: It’s own line of experience.
DATRE: It’s own line of experience and of external arrangement of appearances. They stay within their own kind.
DATRE: So what happens is, as some of these who were fairies and Devas, they could be changed and expanded into a more stable configuration and because they also had a bit of the Thoughters beingness within them, they found that could be expanded.
You see, the only reason that it was not expanded in those that you call the Devas and the Fairies, the only reason it was not expanded any further in them. Because they were happy as they were. Well, if something is happy and is expressive in its own beingness –
JOHN: Leave it as it is.
DATRE: Yes, so let’s take that as a model and take some of those because they were too whispy. They broke up too easily and they found that there was a more cohesive quality to them, that they could be pushed into other things.
But because there was more – they developed more as what you would call an intellectual side, this rapidly became a development through experience.
And you continued that, not as far as an outward body appearance because if they were going to do anything other with the body, then there were Thoughters all over the place within this universe and they were all having their own good times.
JOHN: That’s the story, the so called story in the bible referring to Adam and Eve was the transition from the inorganic to the organic. That was the ‘casting out’ of the garden of Eden.
DATRE: Mm hm, mm, hm.
JOHN: They couldn’t figure that one out – ever.
DATRE: No, because it is not anything that they could figure out.
JOHN: They don’t understand the inorganic.
DATRE: Well, that’s right.
JOHN: They only understand what they can feel, see, smell, hear and touch.
DATRE: But you see, those that are clairvoyant are still able to see and communicate but they don’t want to get too close to those in the Unseen World, to get up to the point of touching them, because they disturb the vibratory patterning of these little ones and they will start coming apart. It is a vibratory construct. They vibrate at a different rate than the humans do.
JOHN: They are in a different octave.
DATRE: Absolutely. And the reason they are so fragile is they have maintained that which you call the basic thought pattern of structure that everything is created, in what you call, the inorganic because that is what can be manipulated.
JOHN: That is the trial and error area.
DATRE: That’s right and that’s where, in the trial and error area, that is where your Centaurs and Pan and all of that comes from. Those were experiments in creating and this half man and half animal and all of that, that is part of that. Why destroy them. It wasn’t bothering anybody. Put them there, so what, it doesn’t matter.
You interact with those you call your ‘dead’ people all the time because you have developed your eyes in such a way …
JOHN: You have a frequency spectrum that you only allow.
DATRE: The eyes only allow that and the thing is that is what keeps you where you are. It is not allowing your ability to see, other than with your eyes, to be an active part of your beingness.
Being clairvoyant and being …
JOHN: Being clairvoyant has nothing to do with the eyes.
DATRE: Nothing to do with the eyes what so ever. And that is what confusing. People try and cross their eyes or put their eyes out of focus or put your eyes this way or that way …
JOHN: That is not going to make you clairvoyant. Any good clairvoyant will tell you that when they are seeing the Unseen World, they can also open their eyes and see the comparison.
DATRE: That is exactly right but they don’t understand that you can do that.
JOHN: Annie talked about that.
DATRE: I realize that but you see, there are not that many people that are clairvoyant …
JOHN: Clairvoyants today, they think that is a cycle that has gone by.
DATRE: No, it has not gone by, it just has to be …
JOHN: There is not enough interest to develop it.
DATRE: Well, you see, man/woman has become inattentive in many areas. If it takes more than 5 seconds, they aren’t interested.
JOHN: They have such a short attention span.
DATRE: The attention span is very limited.
JOHN: The attention span is almost non-existant.
DATRE: That is very true but you see, there are those on this planet that you can call loners, you can call them thinkers, you can call them anything you want to but their attention span has nothing to do with what goes on in the work a day world. So, that is an entirely different situation.
Through, that which you call the development of the human species through eons or millenniums or whatever you want to call it …
JOHN: Eons is a better word because an eon is an indeterminate span. Eons ++++ as opposed to time.
DATRE: The development has taken many different twists and turns and it is not finished yet.
JOHN: Nope. It still continues.
DATRE: But you see, we’ll get back to the accidental universe. This is true, it was accidental because it was only those that – there are a lot of universes and these that came from that particular universe were Thoughters. No body, no nothing. Their Beingness was thought. And you’ll say, well, what about the body. Well, you don’t need a body to do thoughts.
JOHN: No, you just have a glob of intelligence.
DATRE: That’s right and the thing is, they didn’t care about remembering.
JOHN: Remember what?
JOHN: Their experience was what they called remembering.
DATRE: That’s right.
JOHN: It was automatically there.
DATRE: It was there but they never referred back to it because that is not creation. Creation doesn’t go backward.
Now, man thinks it does. They think that creating something new is using something in the past and changing it. That’s not creation.
JOHN: That’s adaptation.
DATRE: There you go. Well, I think we have done very well, John. I think we’ve covered a lot of area that we really didn’t expect to.
JOHN: No. People that read this will say, Oh, I was wondering about that.
DATRE: Well, then undoubtedly there are going to be areas that we haven’t gotten into that will be pertinent but we will try … The main thing is, what we want to do now is, more than anything, is to stretch people as far as they can go.
So, I think, the rest of it …
JOHN: This is Step 2 of Fundamentals.
DATRE: Alright, that is fine, that is fine because we will take the fundamentals and … there is only so much that can be said about them anyway without going into detail, that I cannot explain because it is …
JOHN: Inexplainable.
DATRE: That is why it is difficult for me to able to perceive something and tell you I am – ‘I am seeing it, I am perceiving something, whatever but I cannot find words for it, so we have to let it go as best as we can but everyone within their own construct is able to extend it to their own satisfaction.
JOHN: Sure.
DATRE: It is up to them.
JOHN: They have the basic ingredience. Let them build their own cake.
DATRE: That is right and let them do it the way they want to. And that is what DATRE is all about.
So, I think we will leave you for now. This has been a delightful experience and we will talk to you later.
JOHN: Thank you.
DATRE: We thank you! Goodbye. We are Datre.
DATRE: The ones that they could animate, Datre called “stick figures”. But, when they tried to put these “stick figures” into the “organic” area of this new universe it was discovered that on occasion they would fall apart.
After much fun in trying to correct this problem, they finally decided that if they were going to keep these organic “something’s” they would need to create some kind of maintenance crew to work from the inorganic side of things to help keep these organic things from falling apart. This is how the beings that Datre referred to in their book, “Your Unseen world” about the Devas, Fairies, Gnomes, etc. came into being.
Then I began to wonder just where this idea of an over all deity came from. After quite a bit of searching it finally dawned on me that this whole idea of a God in heaven was akin to the idea of killing and war.
All three it seems are the result of a “flaw” in the human Ego patterning. The Ego is that part of man that not only gathers experience but also is that part of man that says that each individual is “separate” from other individuals.
Some, likely, small flaw in this characteristic of the Ego tends to project a given individual toward wanting to dominate others. Thus you now have the human Ego wanting to be not only a unique individual, but also the biggest and best or badest individual.
So, now we have a humanity where the Ego’s in some have such a strong urge to dominate their fellow man that killing, religion and war have become their weapons of choice.
But also, in this maze of Ego’s run wild, we have a piece of the original Core Selves who first got inside of the stick figures for the experience.
Thus this great contrast “religion, war and killing” VS helpful creators only worked to reinforce religions contention of the forces of “good” and “evil”.
So, now we have in summary, there is no God in heaven. And there only God or devil that can actually exist, exist only in “man” himself.
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