Datre of ancient times
I thought I would write a little about how I first became aware of Datre, and the site back then. Unfortunately I wasn't around when they first came on the net. I had found a Seth book by Jane Roberts in my local library, and the and I've allways thought the Seth books were very gently written. Seth in the books seem quite gentle and articulate, and the books seems almost like a comforting of sorts. I haven't read them all yet, but the few I have I appreciated alot. Then while looking at links and information about Seth on the net, I came across a link and a description saying that this was something close to or with the same depth as that which Seth had offered. And so I clicked on a link taking me to a site that said "Datre 2000". The banner picture was professionally done, I think perhaps they had someone make it for them. The banner had as I remember the text 'Datre 2000' with a picture of the Parthenon in Akropolis, Athen. There was also a circular ol