Datre answers P JOHN: This is a communication from one of the people on the list and she says... "I recently had an aura photo taken that out-lines the whole body and shows the shakra points of the body. And I shared it with a friend who suggested I needed them balanced. Now it looks like my root point is dark purple color, the second is a light yellow/orange color, the third is white, the heart one is white but also in a large burst pattern, and the rest are a light blue. I don't know if this is normal for me of if I'm really out of balance. But I do have some heavy weight problems and I have had back surgery and my uterus was removed and I'm now missing one ovary from unknown sources. If these could be a cause, I'm asking if you could help me clear this or understand what is occurring with me?" DATRE: Now, this business of the aura's and the colors and the charka’s we have spoken of before. That is, for whatever reason, is fascinating to individuals. The...