
Datre answers Debbie (Datre189)

JOHN; Today we have some questions from Debbie and she proceeds as follows; "I would like to thank John for his suggestion in an e-mail to me to go to the beginning of the Datre material and read through as there is a definite theme to be followed. I am starting to realize the grand experience that can be had from the simplest things. While reading some of the Datre material recently I broke my glasses, this would have meant that I couldn't read till they were fixed. Then I thought observe, why did I break my glasses especially when I am so engrossed in this material. Easy! I had toyed with the idea for some time to not be so dependent on my glasses, as I know where bad eyesight comes from. So I started to read without them, not easy at first, but within a few minutes my eyes were reading better then in years. I now know that that was a "grand" experience. But only now I know what this feels like! I thanked my body and will continue to do so. This is a situation I would not have looked at before, I would have said, oh well these things happen, buy a new pair. Once I recognized this, I realized my thought patterns have changed.

There is something I would like to clarify if possible. Love is an emotion, physical construct and hate is an emotion, so both are judgments. Are all emotions judgments?

DATRE; I would prefer that you do not look at emotions as judgments. Judgments are not exactly the right way to go. You look at love and excitement and hate, all of these things, these are all emotions. But emotions are a reflection of interaction with a situation. Be it another person. Be it a sunset. Be it someone that cuts in front of you in traffic. All of these different things are what we call emotions. It is a physical reaction of the body to a situation. You're not judging anything.

If you look at an emotion as a 'learning' process, it is entirely different. Now, judgment has been used for a long, long time. Many, many centuries in your counting. We believe that that came when you were looking for help outside of your self because you felt that you were insignificant and did not have the ability to discern well enough for your self. So you began to look to some thing or someone to help you in your decision process. And when you didn't, shall we say, get the right idea, or act out the right scheme or play that you were in, something happened and you said, 'it was a judgment, it was because I didn't do something right. Therefore I am incapable of doing anything and the wrathful god will take vengeance on me because I did something wrong.'. You see, you've built this judgment over many, many centuries. If you go back, you'll find this in everything.

If you go back into your literature you will find a great deal about a vengeful god. That's why you had fires and that's why you had storms. That's why you had hurricanes and that's why you had plagues. It was a 'judgment' on the people.

You see, when you look at that from that standpoint, you can see how easily that was bought into. A plague is a judgment. You judge that there's a plague because the people were not living the way they should be - god fearing and all of that.

But you see... again we have talked about belief systems in so many areas but we have never approached that. But you see, if you look at it with clear eyes - like from our standpoint - it is different people experiencing different learning processes. And to you that may sound very difficult to understand when you have plagues that have wiped out practically whole civilizations.

You can go back fairly recently, when there was a black plague, I don't know what country that was in. Okay, John say's London and England and Europe. There were people where whole families were dying of that which you call plagues. And yet there were many families where there was one family member that took care of everyone else, and all the members of the family died except that one. Did you ever stop to question why? 'Oh well, it was because he was so good'. Or, 'it was because he had such a healthy body'. Or 'it was because she was a caring, nurturing one and she knew that she had to take care of them'.

Stop and look at it from a different standpoint. What was his or her learning experience? She was one that said, 'well, I've got too much to do and I've got too much to learn, I can't be bothered with dying - I'm not interested in dying'. And the others said, 'I don't want this, the sooner its over the better'. And they took the chance to go. Very different way of looking at things? But that is actually the case. Because remember, no one does anything 'too' you, you do what 'you' want to do. You have a reason for doing everything. And in OBSERVATION you will find why.

Just like when you broke your glasses. If you had not stopped to 'observe' - but you did. And every single time something unusual happens, from now on you will say, 'I wonder how come that happened?'. And the more you do that - the more you OBSERVE - the more you pay attention, the easier it becomes. That's what we're talking about with understanding. And there is no way you will discover what physicality is all about until you 'experience' it 'in' physicality.

As we have said before - the only way 'out' is 'in'. The experience is 'in', 'through' and 'with' the vehicle you call your body. Which is your very, very best friend - because it is doing 'your' bidding. It is supplying 'you' with the experiences you asked for - you asked the body for these experiences, so you could learn. But then the first rough road comes up and you throw up your hands and say, 'oh, I can't handle this'. The body gets the message - 'oh, I can't handle this' so it doesn't. So simple, so simple. And yet, the hardest lesson you have to learn - OBSERVE. Continue.

JOHN; And she continues; "OK if that is so, then say you are in a work place and there is a person you dislike. You ask yourself what don't I like about this person, well they're rude, untrustworthy, whatever, but because these statements have emotion, then they are just judgments?"

DATRE; Well, now you have the emotion. Now you've seen the things you don't like about that person. You don't have to judge it, what difference does it make? It doesn't matter that they're rude, crude and unattractive, only if you concentrate on it - if you recognize it and take it for what it is, no emotion involved - you've already learned everything you needed to learn by that. That is all that person is there for - your recognition of a situation. You don't have to go any further. You see somebody walking down the street and you look at them and say, 'boy, is that person fat'. There doesn't have to be any emotion involved in it. 'Oh, that person sure has nasty behavior'. No emotion involved, you've just recognized the situation. But don't dwell on it. Recognize it, drop it, let it go.

One of the interesting things with your civilization, at the present time, many people have been referred to as 'emotionless', they're not emotionless, they're just looking at things and observing the situation as it is and it doesn't effect them one way or the other. What difference does it make if that person is rude, crude and unattractive? What do they have to do with you? If you have to interact with them, then say, 'alright, this is that person, there is nothing that I can do to change that person because no one can change or do anything to anyone else, so I accept the situation. And when that person comes up to me and is rude to me I will make the decision as to what I will do at the present time. I will either say nothing or I will say, 'boy are you in a bad mode today''. You have hurt no one.

But make your own decisions as the time comes. Don't dwell. Don't bring the 'past' with you and put it on the situation in front of you. It doesn't work that way. That's why things 'don't' work. If you run into a situation - head on - and the first thing you do is reflect back 'this is the same thing it was before', and react in the same way, you've lost the battle. Right then and there. You are projecting the 'past' into the present. And it does not work because you've already put up a barrier to stop your learning. It is a very hard lesion to learn. But once it is learned it becomes fascinating because you will get such a big AH HA, because you have recognized 'what' you are doing. You're 'projecting your 'past' into the future and how are you going to grow from that point? You can't, there's no way.

So, the only thing you can do is accept and work from 'now'. We've talked about that and I think everything is talked about, 'live in the now' and all this kind of stuff. You don't understand what that is until you begin to do it. It is a type of 'freedom' that many people are afraid of. They say, 'well I want to be free'. And yet, when they begin to glimpse the 'freedom' that they have, with living in the 'now' and not 'projecting' the past into the present, it becomes very scary, because you have nothing to lean on. You are - basically - at that point, beginning to feel what it is like to be an INDIVIDUAL. Because, at that point you will discover that there is no affect that 'things' and 'others' have upon you.

And it's a very loose feeling. In other words, you're so used to being constricted - that's why you go into a body - because its an experience of restriction. And when you begin to feel those restrictions fall away, you begin to think, 'oh, this is rather scary, its eerie'. And as you become accustomed to it, and you get shoved back into an emotional situation, and you 'react' by pulling the 'past' forward into the present, you're going to say, 'boy, did I ever do that to me this time'. And you will see the distinct difference. And you will not do that again for a long time until oop's one day you're off guard and it comes up and hits you again. But this will happen less and less as you become more aware of it. And it can be a grand journey, and we tell you that, but you can't know it until you've been there - you have to experience it. Anyway, continue with the next question.

JOHN; And she goes on; "Is the question what do I feel and why?"

DATRE; I don't know what you're looking for there. But the question is yes - how do I feel and why? Why do you feel those ways? Because, what you're doing is, you're pulling up your 'past', pulling it into the present and projecting, then reacting from that standpoint. The two do not work together. You either do one thing or you do the other and the confusion comes at that point. And as soon as you recognize the confusion then you can 'act' instead of 'react'.

It becomes a grand game and nobody else is playing it but you. Now, how much fun can that be? It is a grand game. And people say, 'well I don't understand how these different individuals that are Datre can work when they haven't got any restriction, when they don't have any bodies, they can't hear, they can't taste, they can't smell, they can't do any of these things - how do they manage?'. Well, it is very simple. What you're trying to do is 'restrict' yourself - contain yourself - in a very miniscule portion called a 'body' and experience 'with' the body, in and through the body, for your growth and understanding. And it comes little, by little, by little. And then you will realize who 'you' are and become 'YOU' again with all the new experiences that you've had. And then you'll find something else. That's what its all about.

There are those of us that are fascinated by coming into the body and seeing what happens, it's a fascinating experience, but we can get out of it again, because we do not care for that on a long term basis. You chose it. And you make it as much of a struggle as you can so that you really learn it good. You'll say, 'well why did I do this to myself?'. You're the only one that can answer that. And it becomes a puzzlement. Then as soon as you get one piece of the puzzle, then you dump a dozen or more on the table and say, 'well, which one do I want to try now? Continue.

JOHN; She continues; "The person standing in front of you is only the situation that lets you look at yourself in relation to what you feel?"

DATRE; Well, it depends. The person in front of you or the situation in front of you, is there for your OBSERVATION. If the person in front of you doesn't have anything that you're interested in discovering or have already discovered, then it will just be a non entity as far as you're concerned. It will just be like the clouds that are all over the place.

If you are 'drawn' to 'observe' a person - in other words, you keep looking back at that person - then take a good look, close your eyes and say, 'why am I observing that individual? What is it about that individual that I keep being drawn to?'. Then once you discover that - you open your eyes and the person may be gone. Its your picture. Continue.

JOHN; Finally, she states; "Observe the experience, not the other person? Now I can decide on action from here. I definitely understand more than I did 6 months ago and I realize how little of the Seth material I really understood. Please keep repeating yourself, I find in the repetition something strikes a cord in me. Thank you once again. What a fun time."

DATRE; And we thank you for asking the questions. We thank everyone who asks questions because, the questions that you ask - each and every one of you - are questions that people that are reading the Datre material have asked or have never thought of asking, but are given bits of information that will help them to put their puzzlements together for their understanding. We thank you, we're Datre.


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