Datre Index 101-150

 Update #13
Date - March 31, 2000

Q&A index:
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Clicking on this file will allow you to down-load to 'DISK' all Datre sessions DATRE101 THROUGH DATRE150 as one 'zipped' file.

DATRE101 (April 1998)
Aura's and the colors and the chakra's - Back to 'knowing' WHO you are - Eleanor Roosevelt - Get to understand, what you are trying to 'teach' yourself - If you ask the body what it want's, it will tell you - It is 'right' for you - It is like the food that you eat - MASTERS walking among the peoples - chakra points of the body - That which we call the OBSERVER

DATRE102 (May 1998)
Animals work on an entirely different principle - Can we effectively be influenced by lower entities - Everything has a 'type' of evolution - It is not good or bad - Lost your focus and forgotten 'who' you were - Many animals prefer to go off by themselves and die - Many times the mother will kill it - PAY ATTENTION - BE FOCUSED - When the humans did the same as animals - Why do whales beach themselves

DATRE103 (May 1998)
In your desire to want to see, you have changed your eyes - In your sleep you're speaking a different language - The 'dead zone' and having some work to do - Until the HOLOGRAM begins to loose its continuity - What would we do with colors, we don't have eyes - You're out of the physical construct Your ears are the same

DATRE104 (May 1998)
Animals are working with different energy - AWARENESS is INDIVIDUALISTIC - Become an INDIVIDUAL - become a MASTER - That's EGO stroking - This planet is 'set' here for you to OBSERVE - We have become a 'futureless' culture - What the Indians call, their 'sacred' stones - YOU ARE HERE TO LEARN TO BE A CREATOR - You don't create ANYTHING - you create "pictures" - You need to have RESPECT for any and all things

DATRE105 (June 1998)
A CREATOR slows down this MASS of 'junk' - A CREATOR will 'study' that situation - When AWARENESS comes in, the EGO automatically goes out - Why did I paint that picture - You can 'create' by default - You don't give away your 'energy' - Your EGO does not have to accept it

DATRE106 (June 1998)
Cause these huge 'ozone' holes - Fear is the great attractor - Medication 'stops' the flow of the 'silica' - Silica is an energy transmitter or conductor - The sinus's contain a substance called 'silica' - The Sun is 'not' hot - The Sun that you see, gives off energy - You're stopping the energy transmission within the physical construct - Your 'enlightenment' comes from your OBSERVATION - Your bodies are changing from a 'carbon' based body

DATRE107 (July 1998)
The HOLOGRAMS are 'changing' - 'words' that we give you, are for 'your' interpretation - All we do is give information - Become an INDIVIDUAL - Energy is 'uncontrollable' - That will 'stop' the movement of the planet - We do not make a 'decision' - Why do they argue constantly over 'history'? - You're a lot smarter then you think you are

DATRE108 (June 1998)
Concerning death and dying - Emotions belong with the physical - HOLOGRAMS may 'change', to some extent, but they don't 'die' - Take yourself out of the body - The HOLOGRAM gets 'stuffed' with 'particles' - There are no secrets - When the body shuts down, you go to sleep - Where are you when you are asleep? - You 'were', and you 'are', and you 'will be' - You loose the 'particles' of your HOLOGRAM

DATRE109 (Aug. 1998)
All they want to do is sit and talk to people - Some people have a "thrill" gene - The actor Christopher Reeves - Trying to help 'other' people and make 'judgments' - Where is evolution, if everybody does the same thing - Why are there those that sit in wheelchairs? - Why are we really doing this? - Why should two expressions of 'you' be doing the 'same' thing?

DATRE110 (Aug. 1998)
'time' out of the body does 'not' exist - 95 percent of your planet that has that 'attitude' - Can't I shrink the time? - Everyone on the planet is 'out' of 'time' - It is 'not' important to try and remember your dreams - MASS CONSCIOUSNESS wants to 'stay' the same - What difference does it make as to how many hours you sleep?

DATRE111 (Aug. 1998)
'You' have a great deal of power - Handling energies is unimportant - Information from the dead-zone - Remember - you're a HOLOGRAM - The 'energies' that are coming into this and on to this planet - The 'wave' energies are very different 'energies' - The ecto-plasma comes out from the body of the 'medium' - The new form of bringing forth information is "channeling" - These are RAW Universal energies - What you're talking about is an energy transfer - You are writing the script - You can't change what happens to your planet

DATRE112 (Aug. 1998)
I live my dreams - NO ONE can do it 'TO' you - Then you'll go back into the body again - There are 'no' teachers - To arrange your 'next' play that you're going to take part in - Well my goodness, I couldn't have slept 5 days - Why are you 'allowing' this? - You 'know' that you're 'not' your body - You are being 'PULLED' into your FUTURE - You may be acting in somebody else's play

DATRE113 (Aug. 1998)
A 'framework' is a 'mess' of 'tidbits' - Anyone can go any place they want to go at any time - Entities in the "dead zone" are also able to benefit - Is it okay to raise my children with this information? - Many people only want the information to 'intellectualize' it - Size has nothing to do with 'inate' knowledge - The PSYCHE remembers 'everything' - There are 'no' boundaries - There are not that many people interested - They're not alone when they're doing these sessions

DATRE114 (Aug. 1998)
And who's the 'teacher'? - Because you have had so many, what you call, lifetimes - Countries that are warring against different nationalities - Is it true that one seems to have "another life" at night? - The 'clock' time is only what you agree upon - Yet you will 'limit' yourself - You 'are' different at night - You have lost the ability to be 'who' you are - You're probably going to other places to 'observe' - You've always been fighting 'against' something

DATRE115 (Aug. 1998)
Because you were 'frustrated' - Do you want that 'complete' annihilation? - Does consciousness exist only in physicality? - Does our body-consciousness also evolve - That is something you set up for yourselves - Why did we need physical emotions like anger - You do not have to have consciousness - You don't 'know' your own GRANDNESS - Your 'psyche' remembers EVERYTHING

DATRE116 (Sept. 1998)
'fear' is such a big number - All you're doing is reading symbols - Am I tuning in to "mass consciousness" thoughts? - Do you call "astrology" a cult? - Now, you call it a 'cult' - Others that want to go into that which they call past lives - The work of Robert Monroe - You're learning to explore

DATRE117 (Sept. 1998)
Animals work off a 'group' mind - Man as the Individual is god in the flesh - That's EVOLUTION, that's pushing the envelop - The children need 'role' models - The nature of religious worship - What would happen if everyone stayed 'cloned'? - You have always looked 'to' something to help you - You were breaking away from that 'cloned' reality - You would have a 'dead' society

DATRE118 (Oct. 1998)
An OBSERVER does not 'judge' a situation - Everything you do is make 'comparisons' - The 'fluidity' of that which you call your 'realities' - The energy is quite 'potent' - They are beginning to 'speak' in different voices - You can't exist without a belief - You don't have to get rid of anything

DATRE119 (Oct. 1998)
Particles are those that belong to the planet - Everything here is HOLOGRAPHIC - The HOLOGRAM that you're using, is standing still - The nature of holograms - The thing is, 'it's all pictures' - You've only 'taught' your brain up to a certain point - Your HOLOGRAM is 'your's'

DATRE120 (Nov. 1998)
For us it is a 'challenge' to try to explain to you - If you were to take your 'life - 'death' processes in a continum - It has nothing to do with reincarnation - Vibratory levels will be increased - You don't have that 'sight' that sends you 'forward' - You don't have to be 'working' on anything - You learn when you make a mistake - You've always believed that there's something 'higher' than you

DATRE121 (Nov. 1998)
An old tree, and old people, are beautiful - Beings from 'outer space' are nothing but "you" - Do you ever stop to realize the GRANDNESS 'of' this planet? - That is showing you what you are capable of doing - The 'fun' is being surprised by what's coming up - You are showing yourself the up coming events - You don't have to rely on another person - You're safe because you're surrounded by a piece of tin

DATRE122 (Dec. 1998)
"spontaneous combustion" - 'circuits' of your body that you're not familiar with - A belief system that has caused a blockage - More and more bodies "exploding" on operating tables - The body from the 'medical' standpoint - The body, can "explode" - The vibratory construct of the body - There is a 'surge' that goes through the body

DATRE123 (Dec. 1998)
"You are all Sanpaku" - An OBSERVER 'takes' action - That's what we're saying about "free will" - When you're 'awake', you're in heavy MASS CONSCIOUSNESS - Why do you have insurance? - You are 'teaching' your brain - You do write your own script - You have lived for so many hundreds of years - You must give yourself credit

DATRE124 (Jan. 1999)
Connect up with 'you' - In teaching yourself, you will get AH HA's - The 'you' in physicality is but a small portion - They also became 'grander' OBSERVERS - You are giving yourself 'information' - You don't want to connect up with me - You have 'limited' yourself to physical existence

DATRE125 (Jan. 1999)
"FEAR" is what 'blocks - "this particular creation", which you call PHYSICALITY - "You" are not afraid - The 'body' is what's afraid - You all have an individual psyche - You are the one that is the BOSS - You are trying to get the physical body trained - You don't have to feed off of MASS CONSCIOUSNESS

DATRE126 (Feb. 1999)
A `joint' effort, with `you' and your `body' - It is not up to you to `accept' that blame - MASS CONSCIOUSNESS will make you feel guilty - Other's will put a `guilt' trip on you - Something that `you' believe that you need to do - That is a choice before they come into the physical again - There's many ways of learning - They talk very much about "crib death" - You don't choose the children - Your `psychic' ability is your `connection' with "YOU"

DATRE127 (Feb. 1999)
'you' are the one in control - Being an OBSERVER is 'not' passivity - Disease is caused by tension that you build up - In trying to heal to heal yourself - It has become a 'hospital' planet - It has become a planet of 'lawyers' - It's ALL choice - Take charge of your "body" - That is distracting you from what you want to become - The body works with what it is given - You have been 'trained' out of SIMPLICITY - You have genes that go way back

DATRE128 (March 1999)
That's what happens in the 'dream' state - The brain is NOT making the pictures - What is actually occurring during a "lucid dreaming" state? - When the body's asleep, you're not there - You 'train' your brain - You can 'skip' realities - You don't have to 'physically' experience everything - You start out 'backwards

DATRE129 (March 1999)
Are there 'other' human forms? - BELIEVE IN YOURSELF - Excitement, of the 'doomers' and the 'gloomers' - In the year 2000 and beyond - It's ALL based on your 'belief' system - We are OBSERVERS - we're not 'fixers' - Where MASS CONSCIOUSNESS exists, is in "majorities" - You can not change peoples belief - You have choices as to which you want to 'believe' - YOU HAVE TO "KNOW" WHO YOU ARE

DATRE000 (April 1999)
A voyeur is always trying to fix others - Extra-terrestrial civilizations - Insight on your belief systems - The Ashtar Command - The evolution is you - You are indeed remarkable

DATRE130 (April 1999)
Animals have varying degrees of self-consciousness - Datre has not gone into sex - Seth's point of existence - The 'majority' on this planet are highly enough evolved - The book Seth Speaks - Through your 'teacher' - which is YOU - You don't 'know' WHO you are - You set things up for yourself

DATRE131 (April 1999)
A belief system is something 'you' set up - It is for you to OBSERVE and analyze - Nothing is being done on the non physical level - See how insidious a belief system is - That's what makes 'evolution' - Who says you picked up that gene - You take all of that 'garbage' into your sleep

DATRE132 (May 1999)
Its going to be a dramatic difference - Men are very uncomfortable in many areas - The 'split' will come about - The white race is the 'youngest' race on the planet - There are great changes taking place right now - This year 2000 is going to show you many things - You are never responsible for anyone but yourself - You'll find the white race is more 'dynamic' in appearance

DATRE133 (May 1999)
All you can equate to, is 'physicality' - Changing 'this' body into a "silica" based body - Consciousness is something that you're using now - Is there Life beyond Consciousness? - It gives you something to strive for - It is beyond the area of consciousness as you know it - We have more, what you would call, an 'awareness' - What is consciousness? - You will begin to work from the point of 'awareness' - You're all wanting to go out into the big Universe - eventually

DATRE134 (June 1999)
An OBSERVER watches - But, you're so scrambled in your 'thinking' - If the body is a machine, a robot - Stop and think what a 'magnificent' robot you have - The 'skin' has its intelligence - The digestive system works on its own - You do not have a 'higher self' - You don't have to tell the throat 'how' to swallow - You don't have to tell your eyes to blink

DATRE135 (June 1999)
Creation didn't start on this planet with Adam and Eve - Just like going from one class room to another - That was so many EONS ago that no one remembers - The planet is going to be no more - There was an 'original' source - There's lots of Universes - You come back in every time as babies and start over again - You will 'leave' the body behind - Your evolution does not stop

DATRE136 (July 1999)
Everyone worked together on a 'common' thought - Like with this King Arthur - The 'energies' are there to help those that are able to use them - Where do you disappear to when you put the body to sleep? - Why don't you try 'levitation'? - You don't 'program' the subconscious - You don't use the abilities that you have for 'forward' thinking - You have a lot of story lines that you have used - Your Indians and your Aborigines and a lot of your people

DATRE137 (July 1999)
A Course in Miracles - Being 'good', 'bad' or indifferent, has nothing to do with it - It is a never ending process - Its 'black', 'white', 'yes', 'no', 'good', 'bad' - Its very difficult to OBSERVE and become your own INDIVIDUAL - You are the one that's creating 'your' reality - You can find commonality in everything - You entangle your lives so much with 'others' - You think 'spirituality' has to be 'good'

DATRE138 (Aug. 1999)
It is like a 'crib' death - There's no 'judge' and jury, other than you - You all go back basically into your same family genetics - You all grab onto 'brain' stories - You don't set up your stories 'forward' - You have been asleep and you wake up - how long did you sleep? - You're going to have Y2K problems

DATRE139 (Aug. 1999)
It is only 'planetary' belief systems,nothing more - Karmic law is 'man' made - Many people 'push' themselves into a 'meditative' state - People draw attention to themselves - Remember, 'visions' are 'yours' - What you are seeing, is what you are 'presenting' to yourself - You are constantly trying to tell yourself something - You definitely are never going to give yourself anything that you can't handle - You're the 'whole' thing

DATRE140 (Sept. 1999)
Everything evolves - its in a constant state of evolution - Is the dead cell on your body really dead? - That their 'Ego' is still in the way - They revere an older person - Time does not matter in any way - When I said the body has its own intelligence - You can choose not to evolve! - You don't mind the 'growing up' part - You have set up a system of ASPECTS - Your bodies 'are' changing there is no doubt about that

DATRE141 (Sept. 1999)
As to the word 'ascension', there's no such thing - In the Universe, we do not have bodies - The only way you can have 'structure' is through particles - The planet is not going to 'ascend' - The Universe doesn't use magnetics - Why would you go into Pleiades - You experience 'only' through a 'particle' reality - You have no idea where your planet is headed - You keep referring to wave 'structures' - Your body 'follows' what you tell the body

DATRE142 (Oct. 1999)
A child works with 'imagination - Belief systems are what 'changes' your perceptions - Consciousness "IS" - IMAGINATION HAS NO LIMITATION - Inner landscapes are 'imagination' - Remember, the 'exterior' is the "end product" - That's what dreams are all about - We do not make decisions for you - You don't need to reach a fourth cycle of the physical plane - You have expanded the 'outer' landscape of 'thinks'

DATRE143 (Oct. 1999)
That are so convinced that they came from Venus - That is something that many are not aware of - That was the 'beginning' of their evolution - The majority of those are 'aspects' - Their origins - was 'this' planet - To 'channel' the dead zone, it is very easy - What we call the 'specialists' - You all 'limit' yourselves to such a great extent - You're in a 'static' cycle

DATRE144 (Nov. 1999)
'reincarnational' activities - everything is 'now' - A 'projection' of a psychological construct - Is it needed for your physical existence - It is all happening simultaneously - Shifted into another 'historical' time pattern - The 'body' is what maintains 'emotional' attachment - There is no need to hang on to anything - You're living only 'now'

DATRE145 (Nov. 1999)
A most fascinating example of the sense of color - At the time critical mass is reached - Democritus knew of no more than four colors - Get answers from anyone from outer space - Its not only the critical mass - Its people on other planets - See, hear, touch, taste, smell, it all changes - That is so much the New Age community thinking - When man recognized only two colors

DATRE146 (Dec. 1999)
Are you afraid of the body in which you are living? - Breathing exercises do the same thing - Why do you eat healthy? - You are training the body the way you want to have it - You are what you 'believe' that you are - You talk about cracking of the bones - You're expanding, you're releasing the air - You've forgotten to enjoy life - Your bodies are changing with the new energies

DATRE147 (Dec. 1999)
'doing' is an important part of living - The 'doing' is important, you have to 'do' - The brain can not 'act', only 'react' - The living process through OBSERVATION that enriches your life - TIME IS THOUGHT UNFOLDING INTO ACTION - We talk about being an OBSERVER - You are the one that says what the year on the calendar is - You constantly bring age into the picture - You have self worth - You know how you can extend your life? - You need to get involved - You would turn inside and find your answers

DATRE148 (Jan. 2000)
All of these old concepts are no longer valid - As far as predestination, what is your belief? - Enjoy life from here - I WILL BE KIND TO MY BODY AND I WILL WORK WITH THE BODY - It has nothing to do with what actually is happening - Nothing is predetermined - The minute you name something, you set up fear - There are those that believe in karma - There's no one 'higher', no one lower - You need to discover - You're the one that picks and chooses - Your 'belief' is what changes what happens

DATRE149 (Jan. 2000)
'space' has nothing to do with anything - Choices are 'always' there - Emotions are physical - Go back into that which is called the Renaissance - If you become an OBSERVER, you will 'see' these pieces - Look at your acceleration in your electronic equipment - The 'love stuff' is physical emotion - The internet is only one way of doing it - You are all excited about going into a new Millennium - You came into physicality because you wanted to learn - You're the age of electronic communication

DATRE150 (Feb. 2000)
All you have to do is say, 'thank you' to the body - Be who you are - Do you ever praise your body for doing something? - Do your cells know who you are? - How do you think your Psyche knows who you are? - This channel gets angry - Walk the talk - When you are born, you have all brand new cells - Why did you get a pain? - Why do you have to remain neutral? - You don't want it all full of stress - You have been given a grand vehicle, work with it


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