Datre Index 001-050

 Update #12

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DATRE001 thru DATRE050
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DATRE001 (March 1996)
Alternate reality - Another probability - Candy store - Dream time - Entity - Genetic lineage - LIFE SPARK - Probable selves - Psyche - Realities - Rob and Jane's experience at York beach - Time/space - Travel out of body - Vibrational barrier

DATRE002 (March 1996)
A barrier between realities - ACT purposefully - ACTION is free will - ALL THAT IS - Brain thinking - Break free of this reality - Candy store - Consciously ACTING - DATRE is a combination - Dream time is orchestrated - Go forward without struggle - Going out into the Universe - Hologram - IF our purpose is to break free - Is ANYONE that we perceive REAL - Life spark - Mass consciousness - Personal belief/experience - Physical body - vibration/energy - Psyche - Separate paths/mission - THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTS - Truly LIVE - Universal MIND Thought - We switched vibration - When questions are asked we will answer - Wisdom - YCYR - You feel controlled - You WILL move into the Universe

DATRE003 (March 1996)
A piece of music holds you - Beautiful fluid colors - Can cause rapid heart beat - Do not let others put a guilt trip upon you - Do not want to know - Does not work for all individuals - Explain natural guilt - How sound affects you physically - In it's genealogy or linage - Meditation - Music that you gravitate to - NO reason to feel guilt - OHM has been used - Seth - Sick to stomach feeling - Sound carries a vibration that resonates with the physical construct - Your hologram is made up of intersecting light

DATRE004 (March 1996)
A cooperative learning experience - Autistic - Difficulty comes from the guilt - Dyslexia - Genetic disorders - Handicapping their child - Handicaps - Hyper nervous - The child chooses the parent - The genetics are chosen

DATRE005 (March 1996)
A nuts and bolts reality - A picture for the mind - Barriers - Body frequency - Coordination Points - Created from this physicality - Dead zone - Dictionary package - Fluid reality - Inner universes - Jane "allowed" experiences - Jane knew how to bridge realities - Learn to navigate - Mental structure - Pivot points - Points of coincidence - Re-orient yourself into the physical being - Reality - Space is "mighty" crowded - Speakers and other systems - Vibratory frequency

DATRE006 (March 1996)
A WORK OF ART - Because we have not setup a framework for you - Channeling from the dead zone - Dead zone - Dream state - Genetic patterning - Geometric patterning - Geometrics are transposed - Helen Keller - Hologram - Inner world - Internal sound - LIFE SPARK - Light - Meditation - PERCEPTION - PSYCHE - Reincarnation - Relaxes the hologram - Ringing in the ears - Sound - The frequency of the biology - The Universe has a vibration of different magnitudes - The Universe is SILENT - Twinkling rate - When we vacate we give her the key's back - Your whole holographic pattern

DATRE007 (March 1996)
A switch in frequency - Channeling of Universal Entities - Definitely "your" interpretation - Disappointed by our progress - Gestalts - Individual lives - It took a long time to find Jane - Jane Roberts would have quit a long time ago - Network of wires - Probable version - Psyche - Psychic - Seth - Symbols upon the page - The "world" never changes - Translate the geometrics - Violently towards each other - You have no RIGHT to FIX someone else - You have played your "games" on this planet long enough - YOU refers to ALL of YOU - Your "psyche" is your pathway to evolution

DATRE008 (April 1996)
'natural' instruments - Hard Rock - Heavy slow beat - It changes in the course of the amplification - New energies - Psyche - Unnatural sound - You disturb your 'eyes' - You disturb your ears

DATRE009 (April 1996)
Hair is a great carrier of vibrations - Mass consciousness - The brain is constructed to never turn off - Thought forms - Vibration - Wash those vibrations off your body - Water is the most beautiful thing you have on your planet - Water you drink is very, very important - Your greatest healer water

DATRE010 (April 1996)
"masters" in karate - Automaticly the "body" takes over - Carpal-tunnel-syndrome - Hologram - Playing a piano - Relax in the hologram - Vibrational states - Watch your body perform you would be amazed

DATRE011 (April 1996)
A magnetic attraction to thought - COMPREHEND your PERCEPTION - Consciousness - Dream time - Genealogy - Going into other realities - It does not matter the name of your teacher - It is "comprehension" - Kundalini - Mass consciousness - Meditation - New realities are experienced - Psyche - SANPAKU - The "space" between the lines - The "trust" comes from the "you" - The body has it's own innate intelligence - There are the barriers - Those who wish to go out into the Universe - View other realities - We will say, you have 12 realities - What you call your physical reality - You are in a constant state of battle - You have the psyche - Your brain

DATRE012 (April 1996)
"expand" your awareness - "look" at everything from a different - angle - "signature" vibration - 12 different sub-realities - A recognition point - A voice inside my head that is ALMOST me - ACTion - ALL THAT IS - An ideology - ATI encompasses that understanding - Based upon a Physical Principle - Brain chatter - Brain thinking - Candy store - Change focus - Channeling - Universal energy - Comprehension - Consciousness - Dream time - Emotional out burst - Fixed image perception - Function of the hologram - I call them realities - Intersecting lines - Intersecting points - Is the earth our universe - It is the DESIRE that propels you - Just a "clump" of vibrations - Kundalini - Mass consciousness - Other realities have different constructs - Our DESIRE to know - Planetary vibration is being raised - Psyche - Referred to as SANDBOX 1 - Symbols - The "visitors" - The brain as a construct of multiple wiring - The electrical content of your hologram - The hologram transformation - The other 95 percent of our physical brain - There are many Universes - Third brain - Those who have cracked the psyche - Universe - You "stuff" your hologram - You are a composite - You call them "wise men" - You got stuck in a rut - You have not touched another reality - Your "bubble" - Your HERE to get INTO here - Your perception from "out there" to "in here"

DATRE013 (May 1996)
"endangered" species - "expelling" an old thought pattern - "toxic" substance - A change in your "electrical" structure - Allergies - Antique jewelry - Crystal has cut and penetrated the skin - Dream time - Find a space for yourself - It's a synaptic effect - Living under constant stress - Many are searching for answers - Migraines - New energies coming in - Physical bodies are changing - Re-wiring is a process of growth - Reaction to a substance - The body will adapt more quickly - The energies upon your planet are changing - The planet is not able to sustain you - The psyche keeps working with you - The white light - True also of your animal species - Vegetation upon your planet - Your brain accepts different material - Your days will be longer - Your metals and your crystals - Your soil is all different - Your time will be more malleable

DATRE14A (May 1996)
"free floating motion" - "you" will make transitions yourself - 12 sub realities - A pyramid within a sphere - All of these teachings are of benefit - Dead zone - Energies are changing - From your own dreams, other systems of reality emerge - Indicates hierarchy but it is not - It is not "words" - Meditations - No one that "POPS" into the universe - Pleiadian's - Psyche - Ramtha Seth - Seth II - The physical being would react automaticly - There is nothing irrelevant - They enjoy the adrenalin rush - Those "dead" is very easy to bridge - Universal information - We can't come in a ship - We seed universes and consciousness - You have had life time's innumerable - You will want to "know"

DATRE14B (May 1996)
"everything" has to be in motion - A big metal ship is gona seem like "child's play" - A moose and a whale are "shape shifters" - All That Is - Ameba - Are orbits FIXED things - Do not have - instruments for detecting that - Einstein - Genetics - Jupiter igniting into a sun - Learn how your physical body works - Nobody that can come and "save" you - Petroleum does have a role - Raising the earth's vibration - Scientists are beginning to discover - Seth - Shamans - Shape shifters - Something has to "hold you" - Tesla - The biggest hierarchy that you have is god - The center is hollow - The journey is yours - The life giving nutrients were petroleum - The photon belt - The planet in being encased in the moisture - The Ram - The Sun "reflects energy" TO your planet from Jupiter - The universe - There's a great deal to discover - Tuberculosis - Walk different realities - Walter Russell - Watch what is happening - We are not encased as you are - We sustain the universe - Who made the orbit - You are in an "engineered universe" - You can only perceive certain things - You did not have rain and all of this - You have no idea what is out in the universe - Your Sun was brought into this what you would call your "solar system"

DATRE14C (May 1996)
"brain" expanding - "starry" sky - Chakras - Conscious awareness - Consciousness is your package - Do not push your body - Going mad - Kundalini - Mass consciousness - North Star - Oceans - Seth Solar system - That being that setup the planet - That you call Earth - The airplane that crashed - The NOW - This bubble was damaged - Today's body - White light - Why did they change their mind - You accept what you want to accept - Your planet is a schoolroom

DATRE14D (May 1996)
"psychic communities" - A "black and white" reality - A bigger and bigger division - Alexandria - Become a very good observer - Books written by Jane - Changes are beginning to be made NOW - Christ consciousness - COLOR is a very NEW thing within your planet - COMPREHEND - Dead zone - Don't be a "helper" - Guardian angles - Killing people that will not move - New energies - Psyche - Respect - Seth - Seth books - Seth II - Spirit guides - Symbionic exchange - Symbionic relationship - To make physical bodily changes - Two different kinds of people - You can ALL have guidance - You can't help them - You that have been "lost"

"your" universe - A universe - Acid trips - All That Is - Based on entirely different concepts - Dream - Each generation has stepped up the vibration - Hallucination is the dying of brain cells - Hallucinogenic drugs - Jesus - Psyche - Psychic gestalts - Seth - The "light" was so dim in your hologram - THE BIG UNIVERSE - The only thing that is in that is ENERGY - There are other universes - This little universe - We are born "knowing" - You are seeing your brain cells DIE - You can "leave" this "school room" - You have REALITIES - Your hologram

DATRE016 (May 1996)
"alien" hanging in the sky - "alien" is an "unrecognizable" vibration - "dream time" - "out there" is the "picture" - "tangible" reality - A "standing wave" - A new "myth" was born - Alien vibrations - Aliens - All the planets - Astronauts - Build a hologram - Build ships - Channelled material - Covered-up by your governments - Dead zone - Down trodden - E.M. waves - Gestalts - Grays - It is a greater journey - It is a pseudo body - It is all an experience - Mass consciousness - More "solid" physicality - No instruments to detect "wave form" - Not coming back here again - Other planets that are working in physicality - People are becoming chaotic - People channel the "dead zone" - Perceiving - Pleiadian - Psyche - Run on gasoline - Something foreign - Sub-realities - That is YOU making pictures - The BIG universe - The concept of no body - These "gray" people - They have crashed - Two opposite polarities - UFO's - Vibration - Wave form - Who you call Jesus - Why do "ships" appear and vanish - You are "hardware" oriented - You call the Pleiades - You can make them "move" - You can not translate - You have new energies - Your body "knows" - Your genealogy "time line"

DATRE017 (May 1996)
A vibrational barrier - Abductees - Another reality will be viewed - Any hallucinating drug - Can change it's outward appearance - Can't let you run amuck out in the Universe - Change the appearance from man to woman - Cut off a limb and grow it back - Energy waves - Fear does a great many things - Hologram - L.S.D. - Little men with the big eyes - Past life regressions - Peoples in Mexico - Physical 'construct' - Psyche - Remnants of a previous civilization - So called "visitors" - The body has it's own validity - Their face actually changes - They are the 'body' - UFO experiences - Wise men - You create your own reality - You do not "grow old" - You will "feel" different - Your hologram changes

DATRE018 (June 1996)
A little on the corkscrewy side - The channeled being Alexander - Appear solid - Ascension - Beam me up Scottie - Christianity - Close to 500 pounds - Color being very new on your planet - Consciousness gestalt - Dead zone - Definitely a man made myth - Discarnate humans - Disintegrate your body - The channeled being Djwhal Khul - Energies are coming into this planet - Everyone is important - Evolutionary time - Fixed themselves - Frequency - Gifts of the spirit - God is no longer working - Grand ascension - Great Central Sun - Hierarchical structure - Hologram - Inbreath and outbreath - It is a translator of incoming energy - It is shrinking - JOY - The channeled being Kryon - Light Body - Love is the key - Mass consciousness - The channeled being Metatron - More chaotic - Nobody goes with anybody - Non-planetary experiences - Particle substance - The channeled Pleiadian's - Psyche - Selective love - Seth - Tenth level - The KEY is knowledge - The myth of Christ - Thought patterning - Wave form - We are a combination of Universal beings - Where did particles come from - You do it yourself - You'd be kind of naked - Your Universe would disappear

DATRE019 (June 1996)
Allow you to "know" what wonderful beings you are. - Atomic structure - DNA structure - Everything is timing and orchestration - Past life regression - Re-experiencing it - Symbionic relationship - Take precautionary measures - The Universe is on a symbionic principle - This electrical wave comes in - We can perceive archetypes - We can see gestalts - We can see trends - We're watching you very closely - You are a multiplicity - You can't find yourself - You no longer "know" who you are - You would be shocked - Your body is a hologram - Your body is your teacher - Your genetics - Your going to have a real mess - Your planet is going to be changed

DATRE020 (June 1996)
A particle being - A piece of a spaceship - Animal mutation cases - Atomic symbionic relationship - Civilizations on any other planets - Consciousness units - Dead zone - Detect a "wave" - Have any visited Earth from other planets - Holographic being - It is a pseudo body - Psyche - Seth - You are a hologram - You are painting the picture - You will see your world as we see your world - Your physical body would be destroyed - Your words no longer have flexibility

DATRE021 (June 1996)
'dramatic' change upon your planet - A pseudo body - Build a Universe - Comprehension - Creation would cease - Datre being a universal spirit - Dead zone - Do not have a discovery gene within them - Have the rock talk to you - It is like somebody took the 'shackles' off - It is YOUR KNOWING - It's a constant 'discovery' - Mass consciousness - Stumbling block is your belief - Sub-reality - That is your signature print - The training of a channel - The Universe is orchestrated - The WHOLE Universe is benefiting - Those that go into 'trance' - We are more 'alive' than you are - We don't have names - You can acquire knowledge

DATRE022 (June 1996)
A change in the species - Back problem - Basically your going from beginning to end - Because the others were the intruders - Changed you from a 'cloned' reality - Edgar Cayse material - Energy waves - Holographic structure - Many conflicting pieces of information - Quite a confusion - STARR BIRTHS are rare - That is not your Armageddon - That was 'his' revelation - The Jewish genesis - The STARR BIRTH - They call it HIS-STORY - This was not originally your planet - Those from other planets - What am I doing here? - Who am I - Why the runny nose? - You did not fall from sin - You forgot who you were - You were born into a belief system - You will be going to another NEW PLANET - You will have an 'ahaha' - Your mind doesn't function the way theirs did

DATRE023 (June 1996)
'know' who you are - A vibrational energy pattern - Cosmic Signatures - Creation will 'mimic' itself - Datre is composed of many - Every experience you have is unique - In the sleep stage - It builds a 'background' picture - Out of body - Signature prints - When you are 'birthed' into BEING - You 'change' constantly - You have a vibrational barrier - You put 'dimension' on to it - You will automaticly go into other realities

DATRE024 (June 1996)
Effecting the human anatomy - Energy waves contain that "spark" that you call "LIFE" - Enjoy this GRANDEST of ALL experiences - Linear time, begins to cease - Previous energies have "AWAKENED" many - Silica also holds a vibration and electrical 'charge' - That were 'birthed' upon the planet - These energy waves are congregating - They are in constant motion - Vibrating at a faster rate of speed - We can make another 'step-up' in intensity - Will become very easily disorientated - Will go to the 'other' planet - You do not have any diseases - You're not feeding off linear time any more - Your intestinal circuitry is changing

DATRE025 (July 1996)
All That Is - Compassion is an existence - Free the mind - I'm pretty much of a 'jokester' - It works with the 'emotions' - Let your conscious be your guide - My goodness this was a long day - Nothing works independently in your system - STARR BIRTH - They acknowledge the thought - Thought do - We all are individualistic - What is consciousness? - You 'slid' in and out of your time - You could live for aeons - You don't 'have' to 'believe' anything - You have no 'higher' self - You were 'birthed' in that which is called 'love' - Your 'life' will change - Your 'skin' is a great receptor - Your psyche, it does not know 'time'

DATRE026 (July 1996)
Families of consciousness - Not just humankind - Other sub-reality channeling - Realize how GREAT you really are - Some people will say, 'hey this is fun - That one called RAMTHA - The dead zone is 'collapsing' - The energies coming in are effecting you - What in the world is going on? - Who are we? - Will not be able to sustain the 'new' vibrations - You don't work with consciousness - You would say it is a 'nurturer'

DATRE027 (July 1996)
'electro' is only your planet - Djwal Kuhl - Harmonic convergence - That is simply 'planetary' information - The division is going to be greater - The people 'we' are speaking to - There is no 'frequency' to a wave - There is no limitation to what is allowed - Waves are 'invisible' - We are coming from the Universe - We call them 'waves' - We don't have 'names' - We're not restricted - We're trying to help you understand

DATRE028 (July 1996)
'Spirit', was something that they 'communicated' with - A little over-whelming - As you bring in a 'probable self' - Everyone is going off - Land of the psyche - Nothing but 'symbols' in a book - Psyche - The 'other' planets that you will go to - The 'Spirit' was very 'close' to them - The Jane 'inspired' books are 'different' - The Seth material - There is no 'time' in the Universe - They will probably find a hunk of something and make a 'planet' - Timing and orchestration - Universal information, it dove-tails - Upanishads - When you visit other 'realities' - Where they are in their evolution - You don't realize, how GREAT YOU ARE - You have 'layered' your DNA's and RNA's

DATRE029 (July 1996)
'extreme' integrity - 'family' linage - 'raise' their 'vibrational' energies - 'single' focused - Feminine energy - Fix your own first - Masculine energy - Mass consciousness does a number on them - Seth is, shall we say, 'one' of Datre - The new vibrational energies - They are single focused - You are as 'young' and as 'old' at 'birth' as you are at 'death

DATRE030 (July 1996)
Get frustrated, get mad, sit in the car, scream and holler - It needs it's tears in rage - It would not be 'creation' - More of WHO you are - The 'body' is the one that is 'experiencing' the energies - The 'construct' of the planet will be different - The Dark Night of the Soul - There is nothing to fear - We have watched the channel going thru this - What to do with the 'depressions' - You and your body are 'one' and yet 'separate' - You do not fear waking - You do not know 'where' you are going

DATRE031 (Aug. 1996)
Ice caps - oceans - pole shift etc. - It is doubtful if anyone will be left upon the planet - Originally this planet had it's moisture in it's atmosphere - Past life regressions - Pythagoras - The 'magnetic' poles of the planet are in the 'process' of shifting - There were still no 'Oceans' - They just 'left' and went to 'another' planet - Those that are going to the 'other' planet - Timing and orchestration - You have had many civilizations that have been 'humongous' - You set-up a 'dead zone'

DATRE032 (Aug. 1996)
'new' on the planet - Because you are 'recycling' yesterday - Out of Earth substance - That's what the 'spotted' owl is - The Psyche is a 'translator' - The Psyche is NOT the Life Spark - The Psyche is YOU - There are many different 'types' of individuals - They talk about I AM - This has never been done before - We are observers of the STARR BIRTH - You use water to fill-up your hologram - Your physical brain CAN NOT 'translate' the symbols

DATRE033 (Aug. 1996)
But SETH 1 and SETH 2 and SETH 3 and 4 and 5 is all the same thing. - He was referring to the many in Datre - Now, 'think' is brain - Our focal point is the channel - That which is called RAMTHA - That which you call SETH - The 'hologram' is an 'atomic' structure - The 'unified field' theory - The 23rd. chromosome, which made you male/female - There was 'not' individual thought - What you call a 'cloned' reality - You are a bunch of squiggly lines - You mentioned SETH 2 - You're going to 'birth' your selves - Your Earth is not a hologram

DATRE034 (Sept. 1996)
'Entities' are the ones that supply you with, shall we say, your 'Life Spark' - An experiment involving individualism - Concepts of 'good' and 'evil' - EXPLORE your MEDITATIONS - Is vegetarianism important in our lives - No one limits you - Other 'realities' is another experience entirely - Out of body - Take a BIG hunk of NOTHING, now you create from that - The break-up of the families - The main thing is to 'observe' your self - Well an Entity is a 'container' - When the "STARR BIRTH" occurs - You don't just 'pop' into the BIG Universe - You have aspect selves

DATRE035 (Sept. 1996)
Content of the hologram - If you are a good observer - Ones that caused the damage to the 'bubble' had to 'adapt' - STARR BIRTH - That changed what their 'original' intent - The meeting set up in the dream time - The search will come up UFO - This was their planet, this was their 'evolution' - You have brain's shall we say, throughout the body - Your 'genetic' patterning

DATRE036 (Sept. 1996)
Evolution is change - It is the beginning of an 'evolution' of a species - Little 'seed packets' that are carried with you - The beings in bubble A have this 35,000 year cycle - The STARR BIRTH - There will be no one left on this planet in physicality - This is the only planet that has physically 'evolved' to this point - This was NOT your 'origination' - When the two bubbles collided - Which you call the 'dead zone' - You can delve back into what you call 'past life' experiences - You had to agree on a certain 'type' of physicality - You have 'births' upon planets again and again - You have so MUCH, even in 'one' life time - Your other 'aspect' selves

DATRE037 (Sept. 1996)
Animals don't have a 'dead zone' - Animals that are 'real-ized' do not have a hologram - Don't take their dignity away - I've had enough of that death stuff - Maybe after the STARR BIRTH - The animal doesn't care if it's in the body or not - The animals are 'real-ized' - The animals make their decision all the time - They have a 'constant' signature print - What are animals spiritually evolving toward? - You can gather to your self 'particles' to make you 'visible' - You don't understand the thought patterns of an animal - You in the physical 'holograms' are NOT 'real-ized'

ŒDATRE038 (Oct. 1996)
Because NOW 'you' are in control - Recognize your personalities - The BIRTH is going to be a 'fantastic' thing - The Nature of Personal Reality - This is what is causing some of the anxiety - You want 'freedom' it's being handed to you - You're so used to being 'spoon' feed - Your 'time line' is running out

DATRE039 (Oct. 1996)
In turn will change the DNA - It's going to be changing your insides - No model predicts anything happening this fast - Observing extremely rapid bursts of high-energy - September was a big month - The bursts were extremely rapid - The Universe is in a 'constant' state of 'evolution' - Yes your scientists do give you information - You are still only 'detecting' the 'particles' - You are working with 'phenomena' on your planet - You have energy waves 'supporting' new 'thought' patternings

DATRE040 (Oct. 1996)
She's been in the 'blackness' and in the 'darkness' - Who labeled it bad? Did YOU label it bad - Any change of any kind, creates HEAT - Because then you become a zombie or something like that - Because we, that have never had any physical beingness - Make the change before you go through the BIRTH - Signature prints - Stepping up of the vibrations of the physical being - The mass consciousness is the 'thought patternings' - You're entering a different vibratory construct - Your 'skin' is a great receptor - Your aura - depending upon on how big it is

DATRE041 (Oct. 1996)
'voice' communication is - vibratory - At one time you did not have 'color' - BLACK is the 'substance' that EVERYTHING is made up of - From THIS vantage point it would be 'wispy' - That is what ORIGINALLY was your SEPARATION - The psychic community is drawn to DARK purple - There are other SYSTEMS within the BIG Universe - There is no LIMIT to a vibrational construct that carries information - This 'white light' business - When you started out as CLONES - You have become so DENSELY PARTICLIZED - Your bodies are ENTIRELY different

DATRE042 (Oct. 1996)
"dead zone lords" - 'they pull off' your 'energy' - Because you have been on this planet for so long - Depending upon your belief system - In the 'dead zone', you are STILL in existence upon THIS planet - The holographic form - is 'grounded' via the 'lay lines' - The YOU that you are KNOWS - There is a NEW chromosome that is coming - They will BIRTH themselves - When you begin to work with your PSYCHE - You pick-up the DNA strains that you want - Your physical body may age to a certain extent

DATRE043 (Nov. 1996)
'future' life experiences - Because 'you' are 'you' at all times - Hypnotise you and put you into a 'trance' - If you are 'talked' into your own 'discovery' - It is like meditation - Just because you 'die' you don't become smart - Sleep depravation - Taking you into your 'past' lives - When you are OUT OF THE BODY - You ARE here for a learning process - You call your synapse, in your brain - You have heard of what they call 'regression'

DATRE44A (Nov. 1996)
A 'finer' vibration is MORE solid than a 'course' - NO ONE that will be staying upon the planet - No such thing as 'competition' in the BIG Universe - That is the 'game' you play - To 'another' planetary existence - We are BIRTHED to do 'different' things - You are 'restricted' in physicality - You ARE separated parts, that is a fact - You have not reached the point of 'knowing' - You know 'who' you are, even without sharing - You're all a bunch of squiggly light lines - Your vibrations on 'this' planet are 'splitting'

DATRE44B (Nov. 1996)
But you don't need to 'judge' - Chaos is for learning - Its YOUR experience that is important - Learning never stops, your 'quest' never stops - Reincarnation and karma - That is why your two planets are going to be set-up - The 'mind' is a 'processor' of information - The 'psyche' can be experienced - The object is, to play the 'game' - When you 'die' you're not "dead forever" - You carry into that death process the you that you are

DATRE045 (Nov. 1996)
A signature can not be falsified - An evolutionary 'patterning' on 'another' planet - Animals 'know' that they're going to die - Could you clarify about animals being realized - Evolution that takes place on 'other' planets - Seth is NOT a humanoid individual any more - They 'knew' at that point - They're a realized individual - Until the BIRTH takes place - You be who 'you' are - You want to 'learn' after you're dead

DATRE046 (Dec. 1996)
About people being on their 'path' - At this particular time there is much to do - One thing that you're basically 'born' with, is fear - People who have 'voices' or invisible (at least to others) guides - The child that is born seeing auras - They are doing is working with people in the dead zone - They're familiar with physicality - What I call that BIRTH process - When you talk about 'invisible' help - You're going to begin to make your own time

DATRE047 (Dec. 1996)
I know the Universe has no empty spaces - It is NOT a physical decision - So, 'their' evolution was changed - The 'linear' time spans have ENDED - The CLONING of this planet Earth - The BIRTH - You have SET the WHOLE Solar System exactly the way you say - Your 'objective' reality is exactly what YOU put out

DATRE048 (Dec. 1996)
As your "discovery" becomes more minute, your world changes - Belief systems as "stumbling blocks" - Consciousness, is "life" upon planet Earth - Do you "kill" an animal because its fun? - Expanded awareness has nothing to do with consciousness - Hallucinogenic drugs - It is set-up that you all "live and die" - This business of giving "everything" away - This information is "different" information - You have to maintain the HOLOGRAM - You make the decisions, always - You put "particles" into the "hologram"

DATRE049 (Dec. 1996)
Able to go from 'this' planet to 'another' planet - Animals do not 'think' like you do - Evolution, is 'not' a process of 'short' duration - Individuals upon the planet earth, are HOLOGRAMS - That is where the MYSTERY is - That is why we've said OBSERVE, do not judge - The information that 'we' are giving, is very 'difficult' - Traveling to other dimensions - You can OBSERVE and learn through observing - You create your own pictures - You're all wanting to get INSTANT gratification - You're always safe - Your 'bubble' which contains your Earth and your moon - Your brain acts as a computer

DATRE050 (Jan. 1997)
'fear' exists in the 'dead zone' - 'knowledge' dissolves fear to a degree - Consciousness is consciousness - Mass consciousness is basically emotion - That is why you are getting flooding - The Angles and the Galactic Federation - The arrival of the photon belts - There will be 'marked' changes - This is the 'time' to make up your mind - Universal Lay Lines - You are experiencing a DIFFERENT reality - You have YET begun to SEE the many 'changes' - You're 'not' locked into a 'linear' time - Your chemicals in your food


  1. I came here looking for what Datre said about hair being a great carrier of vibrations, in DATRE009 (April 1996)
    and the other things he said in that session, but was disappointed to see it is apparently not available (can't click on it to read). That said, thank you for all you've done in collating the material. Would it be possible to access it somehow?

  2. hi Jen, all the transcripts are available, just click the blog archive on the top right corner of the site. I posted most of the transcripts here back in july of 2009.
    You can also click in the latest post of this blog, an overview of all the posts, where you'll also find 009 transcript listed along with all the other ones.

    Some of these posts are just copied and pasted from the original site of Aona/John, wether they are important, I figured I'd put them all up.


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