Most asked question
- please take me
out of here
BEGGING.gif - drawing of dog begging
Wo is me!
The more answers
I get the more
questions I have.
BLOODHOU.gif - drawing of sad dog with lots of wrinkles
I want my red
sports car & I
want it NOW!
BULLT.gif - drawing of angry red bull ready to charge
I'm comfortable
right where I am.
CATFENCE.gif - drawing of cat dazing on the top of a fence
Don't let your
Ego imprision you.
DOGPOUND.gif - drawing of a dog in a cage
Having fun
juggling new
DOMSEAL.gif - drawing of a seal juggling many balls in the air
Just keep on
GIRAFFE1.gif - drawing of a giraffe
Need a little
GUIDEDOG.gif - drawing of a labrador retriever guide dog with guide dog harness
Can't make up
my mind,
which way to turn
SQUIRREL.gif - drawing of a red squirrel
Today I feel
real ugly
Everyone says
I should go
on a diet
Some of this
Datre stuff is
a lot to swallow
WHALE3.gif - drawing of a big whale
These Datre-ism's were followed by funny and simple drawings of animals. My impression was that Datre had drawn these.
Most asked question
- please take me
out of here
BEGGING.gif - drawing of dog begging
Wo is me!
The more answers
I get the more
questions I have.
BLOODHOU.gif - drawing of sad dog with lots of wrinkles
I want my red
sports car & I
want it NOW!
BULLT.gif - drawing of angry red bull ready to charge
I'm comfortable
right where I am.
CATFENCE.gif - drawing of cat dazing on the top of a fence
Don't let your
Ego imprision you.
DOGPOUND.gif - drawing of a dog in a cage
Having fun
juggling new
DOMSEAL.gif - drawing of a seal juggling many balls in the air
Just keep on
GIRAFFE1.gif - drawing of a giraffe
Need a little
GUIDEDOG.gif - drawing of a labrador retriever guide dog with guide dog harness
Can't make up
my mind,
which way to turn
SQUIRREL.gif - drawing of a red squirrel
Today I feel
real ugly
Everyone says
I should go
on a diet
Some of this
Datre stuff is
a lot to swallow
WHALE3.gif - drawing of a big whale
These Datre-ism's were followed by funny and simple drawings of animals. My impression was that Datre had drawn these.
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