
Datre answers Dale.

NOTE: We have moved this subject ahead of some others because we felt it was a possible confusion for many of you. Datre.

JOHN: Okay, today we have some "confusions" in the form of a multi part question from Dale. Now, I would like to read this whole E-mail that he sent, he says...

"I find Datre's continual interest in the idea of the "observer" to be rather strange. From how I understand it, an observer does not take part in what it sees. It is passive, and does nothing other than observe.

It seems that Datre is suggesting that any capacity to "think", "remember", "build on", and "work with" is far less important than the capacity to just sit in a stupefied, mindless state just observing the universe.

In which case, Datre should be less concerned with OUR development and more concerned with the development of TV cameras, microwave antennas, and other energy sensors. After all, a brain or any capability to think, understand, or remember is entirely unnecessary to the "impartial observer".

Heck, even a simple solar cell makes a great impartial observer, and it doesn't ask any of those "unnecessary" questions that Datre hates, such as the questions about the nature of the universe. A solar cell only "cares" about the light shining on it in the moment, and doesn't "worry" about anything "beyond" its current existence. Don't bother with us, Datre! The solar cells have already achieved all the goals Datre says we should be doing.

If Datre's goal here is for us to become idiots just wandering around in stupefied fascination with the most mundane things (ooh, look! A fork! Wow!), then I don't think I want to be a part of what Datre is talking about."

DATRE: Well, first of all let's get to the thing that Datre hates. You say that Datre 'hates'. Datre does NOT 'hate'. Datre say's that all of the Universal information is "unimportant" to you - that is NOT 'hating', that is saying that there are no "words" that your physical brain has constructed for your understanding of Universal principles.

The Universe is NOT like your planetary existence. Your planetary existence is entirely different. Every planetary existence is entirely different. If you were to go to another planet that had any type of existence upon it, you could not understand it, because, your brain is only set up to understand "this" planetary existence. That is something you don't seem to
understand or comprehend because of that part of you that "thinks" that if you were to go to another planet, you would know exactly what it was. But, it would only be from what you could "see" with your physical eyes and words that you could use from the standpoint of what your vocabulary is.

For those that go "outside" of the body and go into "other" realities, your "realities" are only your planetary BUBBLE realities. So you see, regardless of how far you go in your thinking and your imagination in your travels and so forth, you're still within your BUBBLE.

So, it is NOT 'hating', it is NOT 'avoidance', it is consistently saying, 'the Universe is of no concern to you, because you have no way of "understanding" it'. It is like those people on the Datre list that have all of a sudden, shall we say, begun to "understand" what the pictures they're painting for themselves are all about. What physicality is all about. What "they" are all about. And they are "astounded" that its so
'different" than what they expected. But, how can "we" explain to you the difference? The "difference" has to be "discovered" by you as an individual, because no two are going to have the "same" experience when they begin to find out WHO they ARE. THAT is why you are "individuals". If you were all "clones" it would be very simple. We could bring down the information and you would all be just like "robots" and bing, bing, bing, you would all know the same thing.

You are "individual". Your experiences are "individual". Your understanding is "individual". And finding out WHO you really are and what your "purpose" is in physicality, is different for every single "individual" - and you stop and think of all that you have on your planet. Were they ALL to find out WHO they were, you would not recognize the planet at all, because the
"actions" and the "re-actions" of the individuals upon the planet would be so different that you could not understand what was happening - if you happen to be one who didn't "know" WHO you were and you were seeing all these people that "did" know WHO they were.

Now, let's get to the word "observation". You "look" and you "see", the words to you are the same - look, see, observe. To you they all sound like they are exactly the same. In "looking" and in "seeing" there are two different perspectives. You can "look" at something and you can "see" something, but they are two "different" things. Ask anyone who has done extensive "look-out" duty on big ships, the difference between "looking" and "seeing" - there is a great deal of difference. But from the everyday man's experience, "looking" and "seeing" are exactly the same. For the "look-out" on the water, it is different.

Okay, now, getting out an "American College Dictionary" we find the following: "OBSERVE; 2. to regard with ATTENTION, so as to see or LEARN something. 3. to make or take an observation of; to watch, view, or note for some scientific, official, or other SPECIAL PURPOSE... 5. to KEEP or MAINTAIN in one's action, conduct, etc."

We have capitalized these words to make a point.

Now, what we're saying from that - "to take note of", "to watch", "to view". Now, when you "watch" something, when you 'view" something, from those two words, from my understanding of those two words - "watching" and "viewing" - you are able to take ACTION, rather than re-ACTION. This is what we have been telling you, "observation" is and "viewing" and "watching" a
situation and from THAT point, you take ACTION rather than re-ACTING to a situation.

This is the difference we are trying to tell you. In "observation" and in "watching" a situation and "viewing" a situation everything changes. But you are very "reactionary" people - the whole planet is that way - and it’s becoming more that way all the time. Because people will say, 'I don't have
time, I don't have enough time', how many times a day do you hear that? From Aona's standpoint, when she's in the shop, people come in, they're in a hurry, they're in a hurry, they don't pay attention to what they're doing. They pick up something and they run it across something else and they get a great big smudge on it, 'oh, I was in such a hurry'. They have
wasted more time getting the smudge out, than if they had taken the time to pick it up and not dragged it across something else and get it smudged. Why are they out of "time"? You don't have "time" any more. And I think that is what is happening. Is that they are feeling that "loss of time" and that is what is making them frantic, because they don't know how to take care of
it, they don't know how to handle it.

People talk about "freedom". Being out of "time" is grand "freedom" but they don't know what to do with it, it scares them and they become frantic. Then they continually look at that watch on the wrist so that they're not late for something. That watch only tells the "time" that you want it to tell. Then if you want it to tell that you're going to be late, that's what
you will "react to". Now, if you don't have the watch, how are you going to react?

A number of years ago, and this goes back quite a ways, there were those that were working for companies where the individuals within the company's were not wearing watches and they did that on purpose. They did that because they did not want the "restriction". It allowed them to work at their own pace, rather than what someone else told them they had to do. This particularly happened in the field, which you call sales. The salesmen would say, 'I'll be there in the morning' or 'I will be there in the afternoon', but they did not tell the customer the time they would be there. That took the "restriction" off of the salesmen to have to get into an automobile and tear down the road to hit a meeting at a specific time. They were already beginning to set their own time.

Now, you work in a company and they set up a meeting for a certain time. How many people are late? They come tearing into the room, with coat tails flying, 'I am late because...'. You set your own "time"; you set your own pictures. Then when you begin to "observe" the pictures you put in front of you that is what we're telling you. We're not telling you to sit like a
glob. Everyone that we know of that are making great strides and beginning to "know" WHO the are, there is not one of them that is sitting with their feet up and meditating. They are raising families. They are working at jobs. They're all active individuals. They are active in that which you call "life" and "living". And they're getting so much out of it that they never got out of it before, because they didn't understand what it was all about.

The one thing that happens more than anything is those that sit and "ponder" everything -they don't get any place. It is in "living" that you "discover" what its about. We're saying, "observe", because in "observation" you will learn to "act" rather than "react", that's what this is all about.

JOHN: Comment; One of the other major distinctions between "looking", "seeing" and "observing" is, looking and seeing require no intellect. "Observing" requires engaging the intellect.

DATRE: Yes, because from an "observation" is where you make a decision. From our standpoint if you're "looking" and "seeing" and reacting, you're "not" engaging gray matter at all. It’s a physical "reaction" to a situation. Now, an "observer" acts from using the brain.

You see you're so much interested in things of unimportance. If there's an accident on the road, everybody has to slow down and look and see what happened and who got hurt and what damage there was to the car. While people are backed up for miles and miles and miles, because every single one in every single car has to slow down to see what happened. Number one, you're on a highway, you're not going to know the people that had the
accident. You can't do anything for the people that are "hurt" in the accident. You can't do anything to fix the car that was in the accident. All you can do is "look" and "see". And what has been accomplished? Absolutely nothing. Except, you do not "respect" the other individuals around you.

An "observer" RESPECTS everything around him or her. If you had RESPECT for the other individuals around you, you would continue to go by that accident and not make a "spectacle" of these people that are hurt and in pain. Then allow them to be respected and not looked at as, 'oh, what happened?'. You're not respecting the people behind you, these people have places to go
and things to do and you're slowing down because you want to "see" and you can't do anything about it anyway. See how futile? An "observer" would not look and see. He would respect those that were with him; he would respect the people behind him and continue at the pace that he could continue at. RESPECT. An "observer" always respects everything and everyone. Because,
an "observer" uses his "thought" patterns - seeing and looking
accomplishes nothing.

Now, because your words are stumbling blocks, instead of stepping-stones, in many cases, it is very difficult for us to try and find the words that exactly work. We thought that when we use the word "observer" that it would help you to understand, because an "observation" is when decisions can be made and a decision cannot be made without engaging the brain. So we
thought it was a good word and if it has been a stumbling block we apologize for that, because it was not intended to be so.

The other thing about "thinking", I think there was a comment about - not using our past or something like that, to build on. May I have the paper? He say's, "Datre is suggesting that any capacity to "think", "remember", "build on", and "work with" is far less important than the capacity to just sit in a stupefied, mindless state just observing the universe". Now, in "observation" you "think". In "thinking", you work with and build on. But, "remembrance" in not that important. Why? Because, if you are beginning to build frameworks, the "past" and the way you "reacted" in the past is of no importance, simply because, in your "observation" you're going to find that
your "actions" are different than your "reactions" at another point in time.

Now, the "observer" who begins to "discover" what this is all about, will remember how he or she used to "react" to a given situation. But, it is only in being an "observer" that they will say, 'oh, I acted entirely different than I had previously'. And what makes the difference? Being and "observer" makes the difference. Because the difference is that you "think" a situation through. Then you take "action" instead of "reaction". So you see, remembrance, in that particular instance, is not necessary - except, to show you that there IS a difference.

Now, perhaps that will help, I hope it will, because we want you to understand the differences and how "different" your very life can be - it is entirely different. And I wish that everyone who is beginning to understand what we're talking about - by being an "observer", could each and everyone of them tell you from their personal experience, how "different" their lives are. As one individual said, 'if you had told me that I would be this way, six months ago, I would have laughed in your face'. There is a difference, and we hope we can be of service to you, in
giving you this information. We thank you, we are Datre.


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