
Showing posts from 2011

Datre ebooks for download

I've changed the blog layout a bit, after realizing that I due to some technical difficulties weren't able to post on my own blog (!), - hence the experimenting. I've been trying to find sites that sell the Datre books, or at least the ebooks, but with no results. They seem to be pretty much unavailable, so I've decided to upload the ebooks that I got to make them available. Like with the transcripts, I own no rights to these books. I make them available for free, only because they seem to be unavailable elsewhere. In the first two books, We Are Datre book 1 and 2, the first half of the book is in non-english, the other half contains the english version. The books are: We Are DATRE Book One (english version at the end) We Are DATRE Book Two (english version at the end) THE 5th DIMENSION DOORWAYS TO THE UNIVERSE (book three) YOUR UNSEEN WORLD Datre Book Four CONVERSATIONS WITH DATRE DATRE BOOK FIVE Enjoy :-)